The Examinaon of Mary Clocker taken ut Supra being a Child
about nine yeares old.
The Examd Sayth That the Smocks shee tould her Sister of were
her Mothers.
Philip Caluert Richard Willan.
The Deposn & Examinaon of Anne Holt, Seruant to Mr Symon
Ouerzee taken in open Court.
The Depont Sayth That Mary Williams taking a Case Key opened
therewth Mr Chandlers Trunk who kept Mr Ouerzees keyes in his sd
Trunk, & that Mary Williams then tooke out her Mr Ouerzees keyes,
& opened Mr Ouerzees Cabinett; And tooke out some things out of
the Cabinett, as thread, tape & pinns, & then locked Mr Ouerzees
keyes up, in Mr Chandlers Trunk againe (Mr Chandler himself e not
being then in the howse) And att another time Mary Williams goeing
to putt up a peice of Woollen cloath into a Trunk, shee then tooke
out some other things, as stockins & buttons, & a peice of silk. wch
shee profered, & would haue gyuen this Depont this Depont bidding
her putt it up againe. The Jury Returning, Deliuered their Verdict
Endorsed on the Writt Billa Vera uppon the whole.
Mittimus to the Sheriffe to haue the Prisoners under safe Custody,
till they bee againe called.
To the honble the Gouernoe & Councell
p. 170
The humble Petn of Samuel Tilghman Humbly sheweth That yor
Petr hauing payd for the use of Robert Kedger ffowre pownds of
lawfull money of England, In consideraon whereof the sd Robt
Kedger did giue unto yor Pef Bills of Exchange charged uppon Mf
Callaway to pay the sd ffowre pownds, wth a letter of aduice to that
purpose. But being demanded there, it was denyed & therefore
protested. Therefore yor Petr desyres Judgmt agst the sd Kedger wth
the Costs & Dammages, And yor Petr shall pray &c :
Vnto the Petr of the plf abouesd the deft (by Mr Attorney grall)
acknowledgeth the Bill of Exchange mentioned in the plfs Petn yett
sayth tht hee this deft shipped on board the plfs ship one hogshead of
Tob. & had Two Bills of Lading for the same & sent one to Mr
Callaway, yett the plf neuer deliuered that hogshead to whom it was
To wch the plf sayth tht That hogshead of Tob was not deliuered to
him (as is alleaged) but to One Browne, who disposed of the hogs-
head according to the defts order, as appeareth by this Certificate
or attestaon.
Tilghman v.