p. 169
The Examinaon of Mary Clocker apprehended uppon Suspition
of ffelony taken the second day of Nouember 1658 before Philip
Caluert Esqr & Richard Willan Gentn Two of his Lps Justices of the
Peace for the County of St Maries
This Examd denyeth tht euer shee tooke any thing of Mrs Ouerzees
but confesseth tht shee had diuers things by the deliuery of Mary
Williams to keepe for her the sd Williams, & tht the sd Williams did
deliuer the things to her this Examd in Mrs Ouerzees Chamber all att
one time, but att what time shee remembreth not. That shee did
see the Dutch Trunk in Mrs Ouerzees Chamber opened by Mary
Williams, & shee thinks it was att tht time when Mary Williams tooke
out the Linnen tht shee deliuered to her this Examd
Philip Caluert Richard Willan
The Examinaon of Thomas Courtney apprehended uppon Sus-
pition of ffelony taken before ut supra.
2d Nouembr 1658
The Examd Sayth tht his mother Mary Clocker sent him to John
Williams, & tould him tht the sd Williams would know what he came
for. That when he came to Mr Ouerzees, Mary Williams seeing this
Examd stay wth out saying any thing, asked him whither hee came
for any thing thither or not. To wch this Examd replyed hee came
for salt, nobody being att tht time by but John Williams. That after
this hee this Examd went into Mr Ouerzees Kitchen, where were
diuers of the seruants & John Williams. That Mary Williams com-
ming into the Kitchin, John Williams gaue this Examd a priuate
Rubbe wth his Elbowe, by wch he coniectured the sd Williams would
haue spoken wth him, & thereuppon followed the sd Williams into the
Roome where hee & his Wife lay, & there receaued from the sd
Williams Salt to the quantity of Three Pecks. That as hee this
Examd was carrying the salt home hee imagined the Salt was not
belonging to John Williams, but tht hee had stolne itt from Mr
Ouerzee. That one day being att the Cow pen his sister Elizabeth
tould him tht his mother had bene att home, & had brought home
Two smocks wth her.
Philip Caluert Richard Willan
The Examinaon of Elizabeth Clocker taken ut supra being a
Child about Twelue yeares old.