Stone to cutt the negro downe, & hee refused to doe it, Willm Hewes
allso bidding him lett him alone & wth in lesse then halfe a howre
after the negro dyed, the wind comming up att northwest soone after
hee was soe tyed up, And hee was tyed up betweene three & fowre
o'Clock in the afternoone, & dyed about six or seauen, & was kept
till next morning before he was buried.
Vppon the reading this Examinaon (Hannah Littleworth being
present in Court) When shee came to that peticular Concerning the
tying of the negro up by the wrists (Viz) Whither hee stood uppon
the grownd Yea or Noe ? Shee declareth That now shee uery well
remembers That hee stood uppon the grownd.
P. C. R.
Willm Hewes sworne in open Court Sayth That hee was pent, att
the time when Mr Ouerzee beate his negro, wth the Twiggs, And tht
hee saw him beate the negro, & saw him allso powre Lard uppon him,
& that as hee conceaues & remembers, he saw noe blood drawne of
the negro, And this Deponent being willing to help the negro from
the grownd, Mr Ouerzee hauing his knife in his hand, cutting the
twiggs, threatned him to runne his knife in him (or words to that
effect) if he molested him, And that the negro (as he thinks, but
cannot iustly say) stood uppon the grownd, And sayth further That
the negro did commonly use to runne away, & absent himselfe from
his Mr Ouerzees seruice.
The Gouernor requests the Councell, then pent, to declare their
Opinions, whither it was in the power of the Court to iudge this
busines now, Yea or noe ? Mr Ouerzee humbly requesting the Court
to end it, & tht he may be acquitted, And uppon consideraon tht Mr
Mathew Stone was allso pent as is declared whose Examinaon is not
yett taken, may euidence some things materiall in the busines, It is
agread by the Board, And Ordered tht Mr Ouerzee putt in Bond of
One hundd Thowsand pownds of Tob, to the Ld Proprietary for his
appearance att the next Prouinciall Court, & there to attend the finall
determinaon of the same.
p. 148
It is Ordered by the Board that Henry Moore haue the Indian
Naughnongis (he paying for him One Thowsand pownds of Tob)
to him the sd Henry Moore his heyres & assignes for euer, Wch
Tobaccho is to goe to the defraying the charge, & paying Edmund
Phillpott. as is mentioned in the former vesterdavs order, (Viz)
General v.