Three hund Acres of Land wth all perquisitts profitts & hereditamts
(except before excepted) unto him the sd Willm Barton his heyres &
assignes, from the day of the date hereof for euer. Yeilding &
paying therefore yearely & euery yeare unto the sd Thomas Gerard
his heyres or assignes Three barrells of good sownd Indian Corne,
or thirty shillings sterling or three hundd pownds of good sownd
merchantable Tobaccho & Two fatt Capons or henns, att the ffeast
of the Natiuity of our Blessed Sauiour, or forty dayes before or
after att the mannor howse of St Clements aforesd. And there to
appeare uppon summons to doe homage & Seruice att all Court
Leets & Court Barons that may or shall bee holden uppon the sd
mannor according to the usuall Custome of England or the Law of
this prouince, Prouided tht the sd Willm Barton his heyres or assignes
shall not lett sett or sell the premises or any part thereof to more or
any more Seates then one for the settlemt of any more families then
one there wth out the consent of the sd Thomas Gerard his heyres or
assignes. And the sd Thomas Gerard shall warrant & defend the
premises from all Claymes & tytles to be made by himselfe his heyres
exequutors Admistrators or assignes In wittnes whereof the partyes
first aboue named to these pent Indentures interchangeably haue
sett their hands & Scales Dated the day & yeare first aboue written
Sealed & deliuered in Thomas Gerard
the pence of Se + ale
Edward Packer
Tho: Williamson
And the fynall agreemt betweene the sd parties is, That the sd
300 Acres of Land mentioned in this sd Deed, wth one dwelling
howse, One Orchard & Two Tobaccho howses scituate & being in
St Clemts mannoe in the County of St Maries aforesd be conueyed to
the sd Willm Darton & to enjoy the same to him his heyrps & assignes
for euer.