182 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
Deuident, & desyred Mr Caluert to preuaile wth Tho: Allen to lett
him haue a peice of Land wch lyeth before Nicholas Keytins doore
betweene the head of Langfords Creek & a Gutt, right agst Keytins
doore. And Tho: Allen att Mr Caluerts request graunted therto, &
further sayth not
Jurat Eod die Cora G. Thompson
Oct. 9
p. 139
Gaylord v.
Whereas there was a warrt issued agst Cuthbert Phelps, att the
suite of James Gaylourd for 1500l Tob. & the writt being Returned
non est inuentus, & it appearing tht the sd Phelps is resident att pent
in the County of Kent.
Warrt inde to the Sheriffe of Kent County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court to be holden att St Leonards in the County of
Caluert 14th day of Decembr next.
sioners for
Calvert Co.
Writt to warne ffrancis Anketill, John Ashcomb, Henry Hooper
George Peake, Sampson Waring, Hugh Stanley Gentn, to take the
oath of Commisrs, for Caluert County.
Oct. 25
Cattle Mark
Samuel Palmer enters his mark for hoggs & Cattle (Viz) swal-
low forked on the Right eare, And Two notches on eyther side of the
Left eare opposite one to another
Nov. 3
Morris v.
Nicholas Morris demandeth warrt agst Gregory Murrell, in an
accon of Debt of 3000l Tob.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of Kent County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Prouinciall Court, to bee holden in Caluert County 14th of Decembr
next, the first day of the Court.
Land v.
I Philip Land of St Maries County, doe for my selfe, my heyres,
or assignes, acquitt, release, & discharge Job Chandler of Portoback
in the prouince of Maryland abouesd, of & from all debts, dues &
demands, of him, his heyres & assignes, from the beginning of the
world, to this pent day, as wittnes my hand this 12th Octobr 1658.
Wittnes Tho: Maris. Philip Land.
Know all men by these pents tht I Martin Keirk of the prouince
of Maryland Plantr, doe for seuerall Causes me thereunto mouing
make ouer & conuey all my Estate both personall & reall, unto my
louing Wife Mary Keirk, as wittnes my hand this 10th of June 1657.
[Witnesses] Martin M K Keirk
Willm Coursey
Edward X West.
Mark Cattle
John Mac Cart recordeth his mark (Viz) Cropd both eares, wth a
hole, in or under both the Crops.