Jane Chambers aged 17 yeares or thereabouts Sayth, That the
second day of May, Elizabeth Potter & this Depont goeing to Good-
man Smiths howse there was a fidler, And the when they were goeing
home againe, This fidler sayd hee would goe to Capt Gwythers to
fetch a warrt, And he not knowing the way Goodman Smith desyred
the sd Elizabeth to shew him the path, as shee went along, Wch shee
did, & it being late, hee desyred to take up his habitaon that night att
her howse, wch shee consented unto, The next morning the sd ffidler
desyred Henry Potter to goe wth him to Martin Kirke to demand a
Runaway, And the sd Henry Potter sayd, If I should putt you into
the sd Kerks hands, for a Runaway, it would bee a pretty ieast. Doe
then sayd the ffidler, And the sd Potter asked him if there would come
any harme thereof, or noe, & the ffidler answered noe, saying tht if
Keirke should goe to pull him in, he should goe nigh to giue him a
dash in the Teeth, wch the sd Henry Potter desyred him not to doe,
& further sayth not.
Jurat 7o Octob. cora G. Thompson.
Rose Smith aged 59 yeares or thereabouts Sayth that Willm
Thomas sayd in her hearing, That hee was sorry tht hee tooke the
Oath agst Potter, ffor it would undoe him, & the Mr Caluert should
say, hee would banish the sd Potter out of the Country, The sd
Thomas asked Mr Caluert what hee would doe wth Potters Children,
& Mr Caluert should reply, They would doe aswell wth him as wth
their Parents, & further Sayth not.
Jurat Eod die Cora G Thompson
John Bisco aged 49 yeares or thereabouts Sayth, That Willm
Thomas did desyre Henry Potter to putt him into the Cunstables
hands for a Runaway, & tht the sd Potter did desyre him to declare,
whither he thought it would be the occasion of any trouble, yea or
noe, & that the sd Thomas sayd noe, & further Sayth not.
Jurat Eod die Cora G Thompson.
P. C. R.
Re Potter
p. 138
Willm Orsberston aged 33 yeares or thereabouts Sayth, That about
16 yeares agoe this Depont heard Mr Leonard Caluert force 300
Acres of Land uppon Thomas Orley & Isaack Edwards: of wch
they would haue had but 50: but because they were seated in the
cheifest place, & he threatning them to turne them of tooke the
whole 300 Acres. This their agreemt was about Christmasse, & they
were to pay six barrells of Corne, & Twelue Capons yearely, & Mr
Caluert bownded them from the head of Langfords Creek to the
head of the Creek ioyning to the Plantaon, & this Depont was a
Serut att tht time to Tho: Orley, & the sd Orley sould him to Tho :
Allen & halfe the Land, & Mr Caluert comming downe, Tho: Butler
tould the sd Mr Caluert That hee had but little good Land in his
Re Orley