Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 177
Hee humbly requests tht you will passe yor Censure thereuppon, &
tht it may bee entred uppon Record, And yor Pete shall euer pray &c :
Vppon the foresd Petn The Goue requesteth the Councell then pent
in Court to declare, each, their Opinion in this Cause.
Coll John Price declareth That hee iudgeth it better for the behoofe
of the Children to sell it, then keepe it in their hands.
Capt Willm Stone his Opinion is, That the Exequutor hath done
well, if hee dispose of it.
Mr Baker Brooke sayth, That he thinketh it the best way for the
benefitt of the Children, Yett hee doth not thinke it in the power of
the Court to order the Sale.
Gouernor That it would bee for the Childrens best aduantage if it
were sould, But the Petr cannot make the Bwyer any assurance of
the Tytle to the Land.
P. C. R.
Whereas Cornelius Johnson stands indebted unto Henry Thick-
penny, in Six hundd & odde pownds of Tob. as is proued by the
Oaths of Michael & Joane Baysey, And the deft being lawfully sum-
moned, & not appearing, but by his Attorney crauing a Reference,
And whereas the sd suite was respited the last Court, by reason of
the Defts absence in that Court, It is Ordered tht the Deft pay or
satisfy unto the plf, Six hundd & odde pownds of Tob & Cask, els
Exequuon, Writt. Exeqn &c: fol. 217.
v. Johnson
Vid. fol. 30
& 31
Vid. fol. 39
& 46
Vpon the Petn of the plf, alleaging That being the Cheife or great-
est Crede to the Estate of John Crabtree deceased, & entring his
caueat agst the sd Estate in Mr Hattons Record in the time of the
last troubles, & since the surrender of the Gouermt hath taken out
Lres of admistraon of the sd Estate, Yett during the sd troubles,
Willm Stephens by far the lesse Crede, had Lres of Admistraon
Graunted him, & hath disposed of the sd Estate, according to the
same by Vertue of his Lres of admistraon the ptf sues, & requesteth
the Court, that the sd Stephens giue his sd Admistraon up, & account
to the ptf for the same The Judgmt of the Court is, (There appearing
noe Cause of accon) That the ptf be nonsuited, & pay Costs to the
Philip Land
v. Will"
The Plf sheweth by Petn, that the deft engaged himselfe to pay a
Debt unto the plf, wch one Robt Nugent owed her, The deft sayth that
hee engaged not, Only in Case the sd Nugent lyued wth him, Hee
would secure soe much Tob, in his hands for the use of the plf,
yearely (his necessaries & cloathing being first prouided for) as hee
Martin v.
Capi Nich:
made it, till the Debt was satisfyed & payd, But the deft being kept
prisoner att Seauerne, the sd Nugent went away from him & dyed.
The Court see noe Cause of accon, & thereuppon the plf is non-
p. 135