P. C. R.
But searching it, fownd it to bee putrifyed, affirming tht the soare
had beene much neglected, Yett hee did promise to heale yor Petr wth
those meanes hee should leaue him, as should make him sownd for a
hogshead of Tob, To whom yor Petr did passe his Bill for the sd
meanes. After this Mr Sharpe came to yor Petr & engaged before
wittnes tht he would make him a sownd man, wth a month or fiue
weeks, or haue nothing for his laboe. About a month or Two after
Capt ffuller comming to Mr Sharpe's howse, where yor Petr lay,
tould Mr Sharpe, tht he did use contrary meanes for the effecting of
the cure, prescribing him meanes, wch he should use, Whose aduice
Mr Sharpe following did heale yor Petrs wound. And sodenly after
Mr Sharpe demanded one Thowsand pownds of Tob for the Cure.
Yor Petr uppon this promise did passe his Bill unto the sd Sharpe
(Viz) That the sd Sharpe should find yor Petr Bath's & Oyles. Yor
Petr not questioning in the least when he passed his Bill to the sd
Sharpe, but tht hee would haue restored yor Petr to the pefect use of
his legge. But soe it is (may it please this honble Court, tht the sd
Sharpe after yor Petr had passed his Bill, did neglect, & cast of yor
Petr, not any wayes endeuouring to helpe him, or performe his
promise uppon wch the Bill was passed, Through wch yor Petr was
enforced to take a tedious & chargeable iourney to the Manados for
his Cure
yor Petr therfore humbly craueth tht the sd Sharpe may make
good the Cure to yor Petr, for wch yor Petr passed his Bill, & such
dammages as yor Petr shall make appeare hee hath susteyned, wth
costs of suite & yor Petr shall pray &c :
Vppon the Pet" aforesd The deft (per Attornat Richard Smith)
sayth That the Bill passed for one Thowsand six hundd ninety Three
pownds of Tob. was six hundd & odd pownds for goods, & the Thow-
sand pownds was for dyett for Ten months in his howse, & nothing
att all is charged for the Cure.
Stephen Benson aged 32 yeares or thereabouts Sayth tht in the
yeare 1653, Adam Staueley being hurt wth the limme of a Tree, sent
for Mr Sharpe, who came and dressd' the sd Adam two or three
times, leauing him meanes for to dresse himselfe, & the sd Sharpe
goeing to Patuxt stayed there eight or Ten dayes, during wch time
the sd Staueley being in much paine & misery, Mr Pott's ship com-
ming downe from Seauerne, desyred, tht the Surgeion thereof might
p. 120
bee fetched from aboard, wch this depont & Mr Parker did, yett wth
much adoe preueiling wth him, who comming ashoare might but slight
of the wound, but searching the same att the Patients importunity,
he sayd there had bene in the busines a great neglect, ffurther saying
tht if hee were to stay, hee would not question, but to cure it, & if hee
would giue him a hogshead of Tob, hee would giue him meanes tht
wth his directions should wth gods help cure him. Whereuppon the sd
Stauely passed his Bill, & the sd Chyrurgeon sent him meanes. Now