The plf pe Attornat, John Metcalfe complayneth agst the deft, for
tht the deft charged the plf, wth killing of one of his hoggs, Wch the
deft denyeth,
marks Pheypo aged 58 yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined
22th of Septembr 1658 Sayth That about Two yeares agoe hee being
att Robt Smiths howse, John Bisco being allso there amongst other
company, he heard the sd Bisco demand of Nicholas Keytin (who
was allso there) why he killed his hogge, & logged it up? Of whom
the sd Keytin demanded, If hee could proue any such matter ? The sd
Bisco replyed againe, hee would proue it & further Sayth not
Jurat Corar Willm Bretton
Willm Osberstone deposed in open Court sayth, That hee was pent
in the howse att the same time, & Of the Company there, some were
merry drinking & dancing & on a sodaine there was naming of hoggs
& loggs. But remembers not tht he heard Bisco say, That Keytin
killed his hog, But he heard Keytin call Bisco Theife, ffor tht hee
had stollen his the sayd Keytins potthangers, as he alleaged then.
Rose Smith deposeth the same.
The Court find noe cause of acc5n, & therfore a Nonsuite is
graunted agst the plf , on behalfe of the deft, wth Court charges.
P. C. R.
Keytin v.
The plf by Petn complayneth agst the deft, for that the deft (the
plf being from home) carryed away the plfs yowng Bull in company
of other cattle, whereby he susteyned much losse & dammage, both
in his breed, & milke.
Mr John Metcalfe sayth uppon Oath tht the deft comming to
the plfs howse, in company wth other Cattle, carryed away the plfs
yowng Bull, wch Bull was neuer brought home to this day.
The deft alleageth tht carrying away certaine cattle, The Bull
runne after them, Neyther could he force him back.
The Court see noe Cause of accon, & therefore a Nonsuite is
Graunted in the sd suite agst the plf on the behalfe of the Deft wth
Court charges.
To the honble the Gouernor & Councell
Gyther v.
The humble Petn of Adam Staueley Sheweth
That Mr Peter Sharpe about fiue yeares since or thereabouts did
undertake to cure yor Petr of a lamenesse in one of yor Petrs Legges,
wch was cutt wth the limme of a Tree, And the sd Sharpe did for three
dayes (after hee had soe undertaken to cure yor Petr) use his
endeauoe wth some dilligence to looke unto yor Petr But afterward the
sd Sharpe left yor Petr for the space of Ten dayes to yor Petrs great
wrong. Hee being forced to send for another Chyrurgeon on board
Capt Potts, who comming & ueiwing the scare, made but slight of it,
P. 119
Staveley v.