P. C. R.
Mullekin v.
James Mullekin came into Court, & doth acquitt & release Mr
Henry Coursey from all orders of Court formerly had or obteyned
agst him the sd Coursey, Mr Coursey paying the Court Charges.
To the honble the Gouernoe & Councell
Bowling v.
The humble Petn of James Bowling, Humbly Sheweth
That yoe Pete had a Bond of Mr John Andertons for fowrty
pownds sterl. wth a Condicon thereunto annexed, wch was as follow-
eth (Viz) That if in case the sd Mr John Anderton did faythfully
buy Twenty pownds worth of goods in England, according to yor
Petrs order to him in an Inuoyce gyuen when hee went to England
last in Company wth the pent Gour, And consigne the sd goods soe
bought or to be bought by Bill of Lading signed by some Master of
some good ship, tht should come the then next returne of shipping
from England to this prouince of Maryland againe, (wch the sd Mr
Anderton neuer did) And notwthstanding his Breach of Couent, God
being pleased to uisitt yor Petr wth a greiuous siknes this last Spring
euen unto Death, Yor Petr made a Will, & made the sd Mr Anderton
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Ouerseer thereof, to dispose of tht Debt in case yor Petr dyed, unto a
neare relaon of yor Petrs in Virginia, But in case hee did recouer,
That then the sd Debt should remaine payable to yor Petr, as att first
deliuering to him the sd Mr Anderton his Bond in.
Now yor Pef being by gods prouidence restored to his health
againe demanded of the sd Mr Anderton his debt or Bond back
againe, wch the sd Mr Anderton did most pefidiously refuse. Saying
hee ought yor Petr nothing now the humble request of yoe Pete is tht
this honble Court would grant him Judgmt, agst the sd Mr Anderton
for the sd ffowrty pownds sterl. & Court Charge. And hee as in
duty Bownd shall euer pray &c :
Arthure Ludford aged 36 yeares or thereabouts Sayth tht hee
drew a Bond of ffowrty pownds sterl. for James Bowling & Mr
John Anderton signed it, to the best of this Deponts remembrance.
To this effect, That the sd John Anderton should ship him, by Bill of
Lading taken in James Bowlings name Twenty pownds sterling
worth of goods to be deliuered here att the first penny in England, &
further sayth not.
The Informaon of Willm Hampstead
I willm Hampstead am able to testify, That James Bowling did
say unto mee, tht hee made choyce of John Standish, because he
knew his freinds, & hee would doe more for the sd John, then hee
should doe for another, & thus much I am able to testify uppon oath.
Wm Hampstead.
Mr Willm Coursey deposed Sayth, That hee tooke a Bond out of
James Bowlings Chest, att the sd Bowlings appoyntmt & Reading it,
deliuered the same unto Mr John Anderton.