122 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
Will, Shee hauing first taken her Oath well & truly to admister the sd
goods, chatties, & debts according to the tenor & effect of the same
will. And to make or cause to be made a true & pefect Inuentory
of all & singular the goods Chatties & debts of the sd Deceased, wch
haue, may, or shall any way whatsoeue come to her hands, possesn, or
knowledge & allso a iust accompt in & concerning her sd Admistraon,
when shee shall bee assigned, or lawfully called soe to doe. Wch
touching, an Inuentory shee is presently assigned to performe att or
before the first of Octobr next ensuing. Gyuen att St Maries under
the Great Seale of Our prouince of Maryland this 30th day of July,
in the 27th yeare of Our Dominion ouer the sd prouince of Maryland
Anoqe Dm 1658 Wittnes Our Deare Brother Philip Caluert Esqe
Secretary of Our sayd prouince.
Philip Caluert.
July 31st
Thomas v.
Willm Thomas demandeth writt agst Henry Potter in an acc5n
of Defamaon, to the ualew of 10000l Tob.
Wart to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court to be held 8o Septembr next.
Subpoen. Mary the Wife of Martin Kirke, John Bisco, & Martin
Kirk to testify in ditta caa. &c: uppon 500l
Sould & deliuered by mee Edward Claxston of St Michaels hundd
wth in the prouince of Maryland Planf, unto Marks Pheypo of the
same prouince, his heyres, Exequutors, admistrators & assignes, one
Dark Browne Cow, (marked wth a Crop & slitt in each eare) wth a
Red Bull Calfe running by her side, And I the sd Edw: Claxston doe
warrant the sd sale, to be firme, & good from all iust claimes in Law.
Wittnes my hand this 26th of July 1658.
Wittnes John Metcalfe Edward T. Claxston.
Fenwick v,
p. 81
Mrs Jane ffenwick demandeth warrt agst Walter Pakes in an accon
of Debt of 1800l Tob. by Bill.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court, to bee held att St Leonards, in the County of
Caluert, 8o Septembr next.
Fenwick v.
Mrs Jane ffenwick demandeth warrt agst Willm Boreman in an
accon of the Case.
Wart to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Pro: Court to be held 8o Septembr ut Supra.
Re Estate of
This 13th of Decembr 1656.
Wee the Ouerseers of the Estate of Thomas Allen Deceased, wth
the consent of Thomas & Willm Allen the Sonnes & Heyres of the