Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 111
Therefore It is Considered by the Court tht the wart Pleaded by :
the deffendt Could not by Vertue of any Conditions of Plantacons
be surveyed vpon any Land fformerly Escheated to his Lorps
The Court doth therefore Judge That the Land Convayed by
Brookes to the Plant, bee by the Shirriffe put into his possesn & That
the Defendent pay to the Plantiue ffiue Thousand ffour hundred
forty & ffower pounds of Tob. over and Above all Officers ffees
incurred in this suite, And to provide the Plantive Convenient hous-
ing for himselfe, his wife & goods to be in, wthin ten dayes But tht
the said Tho: South & Thomas Hinson shall remaine on the sd
Plantan wth out molestacon of the Plantf. till the Crop be throughly
cured & finished.
Kent Co.
Ct. Recs.
Margret Brent Complaines against Abraham Holeman in an Acon
of the Case to the Vallue of ffive Thousand Pounds of Tobo & for
this bringeth her suite
Wart Issued returne from the Shiriff 20th of the same mo.
Whereas the Court not findeinge any Cause whereby the Defen-
dent should be Arrested & Impleaded, the Court doth therefore Order
tht the Suite be dismist, & A non suite granted to the Deft, wth Cost
of suite, Else Execn
Brent v.
Tho: Ringgold Planft the Atturny of Wm Boreman John Deere
Defent, Wart ret. & 3 suppenes.
Boreman v.
Whereas Thomas Ringgold the Atturny of Will. Boreman not
makinge any thinge Appeare to this Court, for occation of A suite,
by testimony, or any other writeinge, whereby That John Deere was
Ingaged to make delivery of A Stocke of Cattle wch Mr Ringold
Bought of Wm Boreman as Mr Ringgold doth Express in his Petcon.
The Court doth therefore Order that the Plantive shall be non
suited granted wth Cost of suite to the Defendt Else Execucon
To the honble Gour & Councell wth the Rest of the Comrs on the
Isle of Kent.
The humble Peticon of Tho: Ringgold the Atturny of Wm Bore-
man Sheweth
That whereas yor Petr haveinge bought certaine Cattle ffrom Mr
Boreman wch Cattle ware left in the Custody of John Deere, who
hath taken vpp & had the Profitt of the sd Cattle & yor Petr cannot
gett Possestion all though he hath divers times Demanded the same
yor Petr Craues of this honble Court to Cause & Compell the said
John Deere to make a ffull delivery of all such Cattle &
Your Petrshall ever Pray &c.
Abraham Holeman sworne in Court 20th July 1658 Saith. That
John Deere tould yor Depont he had one Cow of William Boreman &
p. 113