110 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
Kent Co.
Ct. Recs.
Kent, bearinge date 26th of Sept. 1656 wth Illegal & vniust Actions
of purpose to Beguile & vtterly to Defeate yor Petr of his just Right &
Intrest to the Plantacon aforesaid.
The prmises Considered
Your Petr humbly Craves this Honble Court to grant order, tht yor
Petr may be reposest wth the aforesd Land soe farr as It may appeare
wth Law, Equity, or Justice to be yor Pet" Right, And tht the aforesd
Iline or South, or any other, tht have by any vniust or Illegall wayes
or menes beene the occation of yor Petrs disposion or detention of his
just Right & Title from him may bee likewise ordered by this Court
to pay such Cost and damage As yor Petr can justly prove tht hee
hath sustained Either by their vnjust molestacon or Possescon or
illegal detencon of the aforesd Land and pay Cost of suite.
And as in Duty bound yor Petr shall ever pray &c.
p. 111
Elizabeth Clay sworne 19th day of July 1658 vpon Interogatives
wch are Annexed herevnto.
To the first Interrogatory shee Answereth affirmitively To the
Second tht Francis Brookes Mr Morgan & Mr Ringgold were there,
shee answareth allsoe affirmatively
To the 3d whether Iline gave posion or noe, Shee knoweth not But
saith tht Fran: Brookes demanded Posesn
To the 4th Concerninge Ilines answar, shee remembreth not only
tht the sd Iline denyed him posion.
Eliz: B Clay: her marke
That About 6 or 7 yeares since whether or noe you ware not At the
house of Isacke Iline, all tht time tht ffrancis Brookes & Mr Morgan
& Mr Ringgold was there & whether the sd Iline did in that time give
the said Mr Brookes Posion: And allsoe to declare what Mr Ilines
answar was to the sd Mr Brookes.
John Salter
v. Tho
The Plantife demands the Plantacon vpon Bever Necke fformerly
belonginge to John Gresham & fforfited to the Lord Propriatory: by
his Rebellion & Treason, And Produces a spetiall wart from his Lorps
to the Gouerr bearinge date the 26th August 1651 to Passe a grant of
the sd Plantacon to the sd Brookes, ffrom whom the sd Salter deriveth
his Title by Convayance
p. 112
The Deffendt alledges he hath a Convayance from Isacke Iline who
was Possesed of the sd Land by vertue of A wart upon the Condicons
of Plantacons granted by Capt Stone, & tht A Cirtificate of survey,
was there vpon returned 18th August 1658 wherevpon they Joyne