That as to all Vacant Lands in Contest between the proprietors
not lying within either of the 3 lower Countys & not now Possess'd
by or under either of them on the East side of the River Susque-
hanah down so far South as 15 Miles & 1/4 of a Mile South of the
Latitude of the most Southern part of the City of Philadelphia &
on the West side of the sd River Susquehanah down so far South
as fourteen miles & f of a mile South of the Latitude of the most
Southern Part of the City of Philadelphia, the Temporary Jurisdic-
tion over the same is agreed to be exercised by the Proprietors of
Pensylvania & their Governor Courts & Officers and as to all such
Vacant Lands in contest between the proprietors & not now Possess'd
by or under either of them, on both sides of the sd River Susque-
hanah South of the respective Southern Limits in the paragraph
before mention'd the Temporary Jurisdiction over the same is agreed
to be exercised by the Proprietor of Maryland, & his Governor Courts
& Officers without prejudice to either Proprietor & until the Boun-
darys shall be finally settled.
That the respective proprietors shall be at free Liberty to Grant
out on the Comon & usual Forms all or any vacant Lands within
the sd provinces of Pensylvania & Maryland in contest between the
sd proprietors (that is to say, within their own respective sides of
the sd several Limits mention'd in the last foregoing paragraph) for
the which Lands & the Profits of the same also each proprietor shall