Papers 295i
Consideration, & was pleased, with the Advice of His Privy-Council
to approve of what is therein proposed, & his Majesty doth hereby
accordingly Order & Command, That the Governors of the respec-
tive Provinces of Maryland & Pensylvania for the time being. Do
not, upon pain of incurring His Majesty's highest Displeasure, per-
mit or suffer any Tumults Riots or other Outrageous Disorders to be
committed on the Borders of their respective Provinces; But that
they do immediately put a Stop thereto, & use their utmost endeav-
ours to preserve peace & good Order amongst all His Majesty's
Subjects under their Governm* Inhabiting the sd Borders; and as
a means to preserve Peace & Tranquility on the sd Borders, His
Majesty doth hereby enjoyn the said Governors, That they Do not
make Grants of any Part of the Lands in Contest between the Pro-
prietors respectively, nor of any Part of the three Lower Countys,
commonly call'd Newcastle, Kent, Sussex, nor permit any person
to Settle there, or even to Attempt to make a Settlement thereon,
till his Majesty's pleasure shall be further Signify'd; And his
Majesty is farther pleased to Direct, that this Order, together with
Duplicates thereof, be deliver'd to the Proprietors of the said Prov-
inces, who are hereby required to transmit the same forthwith to the
Governors of the said respective Provinces accordingly.
Sign'd W. Sharpe
One of the Clerks of the Council
Papers 2954
p. 30
Copy of the Agreemt of Ld Baltimore & Messrs Pens presented to
the Council the 4th of May 1738 desiring their Lordships to revoke
part of the Order they gave the 18th of Augst 1737 relating to their
respective Provinces, viz.
It is Agreed, between the Rt Honble Charles Ld Baltimore of the
Kingdom of Ireland on the one part, & the said John Penn, Thomas
Penn & Richard Penn Esqres on the other part, that this paper be
most humbly presented to the Lords of the Council as their Agree-
ment that their Lordships may be pleased so to report the same to
p. 31
his Majesty, as that his Majesty may be graciously pleased to con-
firm the same by his Royal order in Council
That so much of his Majesty's order in Council of the 18th of
Augst 1737 as orders "that the Governors of the respective Prov-
inces of Maryland & Pensylvania for the time being do not, upon pain
of incurring his Majesty's highest displeasure permit or Suffer any
Tumults, Riots or other outragious disorders, to be committed or
the borders of their respective Provinces but tht they do imediately
put a Stop thereto, & use their utmost endeavours to preserve Peace
& good order amongst all his Majesty's Subjects under their Gov-
ernmt Inhabiting the sd borders " do stand in Force & be Observed.