The Lower House. 543
To Mr William Ghiselin Deputy Clerk
of the Provincial Court, These.
Which said Letter and Assumption on the 11th day of October
aforesaid being laid before his Excellency in Council, at which Board
were Present
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor
L. H. J.
Lib. No. 46
the honble
Benjamin Tasker Esqr
George Plater Esqr
Edmund Jenings Esqr
James Holliday Esqr and
Colo Levin Gale
Who made the following Order; Upon Consideration whereof,
this Board is of Opinion that the said Charles Carroll and Vachel
Denton by the said Letter endeavour to Act under the Authority and
as a Committee of the Lower House of Assembly, which stands now
Prorogued, contrary to the opinion and sense of this Board expressed
in a former Order made the first day of August 1739, and of which
Order this Board is informed the said Charles Carroll and Vachel
Denton had notice. Therefore this Board is of opinion, and it is
accordingly Ordered, That Mr Ghiselin Chief Clerk of the Provincial
Court make out for and give to any Person whatsoever, any Copy
or Copies which shall be particularized to him by such Person or
Persons either paying- or securing: the usual Fees due for such Ser-
vices but that he ought not to give or make out such Copies in pur-
suance of the said Letter.
And then afterwards on the 30th October aforesaid the said Wil-
liam Ghiselin sent the following Letter to the said Charles Carroll
and Vachel Denton ;
I have received yours, and you may perceive by the within Copy
of an Order of Council, I am restrain'd from taking any Notice
or paying any obedience to, your Command as a Committee of the
Lower House of Assembly; but am ready to make either of you what
Copies you shall desire, upon securing or paying the usual Fees
to the Secretary for the same
All which Proceedings of the Governor and Council, Edmund
Jenings Esqr and Levin Gale, Esqr Clerks and Deputies aforesaid
Your Committee beg Leave to lay before your Honours
Your Committee most humbly Represent as an Aggrievance the
Actings and Proceedings of the said Governor and Council and like-
wise of the said Edmund Jenings Esqr Secretary, and Levin Gale
Esqr who hath the keeping of the Land Records aforesaid as most
injurious, and tending to the manifest Prejudice and Oppression of
the Inhabitants of this Province, in denying the aforesaid Copies for
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