L. H. J.
Lib. No. 46
That afterwards on the Sixth Day of August last in discharge
of the Trust aforesaid the said Charles Carroll and Vachel Denton,
sent the following Letter to Mr Ghiselin, We desire you will imme-
diately, and without Loss of Time, make out Authentick Copies of
the following Acts, Commissions, and other Papers, and make due
Proof of them to be such before a Provincial Justice in Order to be
transmitted to Great Britain for the Use of the House of Delegates
of this Province, for the Cost of which is inclosed an Assumption.
An Act for Port Duties and Masters of Ships made Anno Domini
An Act for Repealing all former Acts of Assembly heretofore
made, saving what are hereby excepted, Anno 1704
An Act, entituled, An Act for repairing the Damages already
sustained in the Records of the Land, Secretarys, Commissarys, and
County Court Offices, and for Security of the same Records for the
future made Anno 1716
Copy Commission to Edmund Jenings, Esqr as Secretary
Copy of Edmund Jenings Esqr his Commission to William Ghise-
lin Clerk of the Provincial Court,
Copy of Edmund Jenings Esqr his Bond past by Virtue of the said
Act for repairing the Damages already sustained in the Records &ca
Acts for Providing a Support for the Lord Proprietary &ca
referred to in the following Acts made Anno 1674 and 1671.
An Act for Settlement of An Annual Revenue upon their Majestys
Governor within this Province for the time being made Anno 1692
The Act of 1690, continuing the said Act of 1692
An Act for Settlement of An Annual Revenue upon her Majestys
Governor within this Province for the time being, made Anno 1704.
An Art ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco hogsheads,
and to prevent Cropping &ca made in April 1715
An Act ascertaining the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco hogsheads
made in May 1717.
[See 28
p. 182.]
Commission from the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary to
his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr dated at Annapolis, 27 June 1733
as Governor
To which said Letter the following Assumption was Subjoined
" Sir, please to charge me in Account, for the Use of the House of
Delegates of Maryland, the Lawful Fees for making out the fore-
going Copies and Making Proof of them to be true Copies, and
when made out and delivered truly proved, let me have such Ac-
count, which shall be paid by Sir
Your humble Servant
C Carroll