540 Assembly Proceedings, April 23-June 5, 1740.
L. H. J.
Lib. No. 46
the most amicable manner, without carrying the same any further :
and that his Lordship may have all reasonable Time and Opportunity
of considering and answering the same Complaints.
It is further Ordered, That the Person appointed at London to
negotiate the Affairs, and Present the Addresses aforesaid shall have
it as an Instruction from the Members aforesaid or any two of them
to wait such convenient and Reasonable time from the time of the
delivery of the said Address to the Lord Proprietary for his Lord-
ships Answer thereto as such Person by the Advice of the Council
employed and Retained for the Service of this Province shall think
proper before he proceed to present the Address to his Majesty; And
that he shall not present the Address to his Majesty unless his Lord-
ship shall refuse or delay to comply with the matters in the Ad-
dress to him and that the said members render an Account of their
Proceedings herein to the next Assembly to be held for this Province.
Mr Mathews from the Committee of Aggrievances, &ca delivers
Mr Speaker the following Report.
By the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice,
May 10, 1740
Your Committee pray leave to observe, that at Meeting of your
Honourable House, on the ninth day of June last before the same
was Prorogued, the House then Addrest his Excellency the Gov-
ernor, setting forth several Aggrievances then Complained of, but
finding no Relief thereby, Addrest the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary on the same Subject; and lest no Relief should be found
from his Lordship, prepared an Address to be Presented to his most
Gracious Majesty, as their last Resort, for Relief of the Matters
complain'd of
p. 44
At which Meeting Your Honourable House judging it necessary
for carrying on the said Addresses, that several Copies of Records
from this Province, and other Papers would be wanted, were then
pleased to Order that Mr James Calder, Doctor Charles Carroll,
Mr Vachel Denton, Captain Thomas Gassaway, Mr Philip Ham-
mond, Major Edward Sprigg, Mr Turner Wootton, Mr Osborn
Sprigg, and Mr John Magruder, Members of the said House, they
or the Major part or any two of them should apply to the several
Officers and Offices of this Province, and demand and take on the
Publick Account, Authentick Copies of any Acts of Assembly Con-
ditions of Plantation, or any other Matters or Papers whatsoever,
that to the said Members, the Major Part, or any two of them should
seem necessary and requisite to be transmitted to Great Britain, for
the Service of this Province
That after the House was Prorogued as aforesaid Doctor Charles
Carroll and Vachel Denton Gentleman, Two of the members ap-