The Lower House. 539
For the Negative
L. H. J.
Lib. No. 46
Mr Harris,
Mr Henry,
Mr Hooper,
p. 36
The Address to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, was brought
in Ingrossed and signed on Behalf of the House by the Honourable
The House Adjourns to the morrow Morning at nine of the Clock
Saturday morning May 10th 1740
This House met again according to Adjournment
Colo Colvill from the Committee appointed to inspect the Accounts
and Proceedings of the Commissioners or Trustees for emitting Bills
of Credit established by Act of Assembly delivers Mr Speaker the
following Report. (See page 450.)
May 10
The House Adjourns to two of the Clock in the Afternoon
p. 39
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment &ca
The following Message ( See page 446. )
p. 40
Sent to the Upper House by William Stoughton Esqr and Major
Ordered and Resolved that the Honourable Speaker, Mr James
Calder, Doctor Charles Carroll, Mr Vachel Denton, Major Edward
Sprigg, Mr Turner Wootton, Mr Osborn Sprigg, Mr John Magruder,
and Mr Henry Hall, Members of this House prepare with all pos-
sible dispatch Authenticated Copies of all such Records and other
necessary Papers and Evidences as they or any one of them shall
think fit for carrying on the said Address to the Right Honourable
the Lord Propry concerning the Aggrievances contained in the
several Resolves of this House at their last Meeting in May 1739
and that the same Members or any two of them do in Behalf of this
House, and the People of this Province, Transact & Negotiate all
p. 42
Matters and Things necessary to bring the same Address to a
speedy Conclusion and that in Case his Lordship should refuse or
delay, to Relieve this Province from the matters there Complained of.
the said Members, or any Two of them shall, and are hereby Ordered
and Appointed with all Convenient speed to procure the Address of
this House on the same matters to be presented to his Majesty, and
to procure and transmit home all such Copies, Records, and Papers
as shall be necessary for the Prosecution of the same Address
And for that this House are desirous and willing, that the matters
aforesaid might be made up and agreed upon with his Lordship in
p. 43