Wednesday Morning 6 June 1739
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as yesterday
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for the Relief of
Levin Hill Thomas Gough Ezekiel Orrick Samuel Deavor and
Thomas Somes languishing Prisoners in Ann Arundel County Goal
Sarah Butcher a languishing Prisoner in Dorchester County Goal
William Bigges a languishing Prisoner in St. Marys County Goal
James Ranton Peter Hyatt languishing Prisoners in Prince Georges
County Goal and William Gibson a languishing Prisoner in Queen
Anns County Goal, passed and sent by James Hollyday Esqr
A Message from the Lower House by Messrs Denton and Courts
By the Lower House of Assembly 6 June 1739
May 1t please Your Honours
The Justice of Our Proceedings in the Matter mentioned in Our
Message of the 4th Instant, we hope speaks it self, and the Observa-
tion you make with Regard to your Arguments against passing the
Bill for support of Government seems to us too ludicrous for a Sub-
ject of so great Importance, and calculated with the rest of your Mes-
sage rather to display a Peice of Wit, than to bring that Affair to
an amicable Conclusion
We cannot think his Lordship much obliged to you for your
Opinion that he has a Right to levy Money on Us, merely because we
had not shewn Reasons for denying it, even if that was the Case,
we presume an indifferent Judge would expect him to shew a Reason
for doing it.