At a Convention of Assembly begun and held at the City of An-
napolis on Tuesday the first Day of May in the twenty fifth year of
his Lordships Dominion Annoq Domini 1739
His Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor
The Benjamin Tasker Esqr Edmund Jenings Esqr
honourable [George Plater Esqr Col Charles Hammond
Messrs Hanson and Denton from the Lower House acquaint his
Excellency that there is a sufficient Number of Members met to make
a House and wait his Excellencys Commands
Edmund Jenings Esqr & Col Charles Hammond are sent down
to the Lower House to administer the several Oaths to the Govern-
ment appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly of this Province
to the several Members of that house and ordered that the Clerk
of this House attend them, who administred the said Oaths to the
several Members then present, and they all subscribed the Oath of
Abjuration and Test.
Benjamin Tasker and George Plater Esqrs are sent to acquaint
the Lower House that his Excellency requires their Attendance in
the Upper House immediately.
U. H. J.
May I
No. 734
p. 1
[A contem-
porary copy
is found in
U. H. J.
Liber No.
33.] The
had been
from July to
1738 (28
140) and on
October 1
tion was
issued to
further pro-
rogue it to
May 20.
On October
20 procla-
mation was
issued to
dissolve it