178 Assembly Proceedings, May 3-23, 1738.
L. H. J.
Lib. No. 45
to the Petitioner to bring in any Bill or not, resolved in the nega-
tive. Ordered that a Bill be brought in for the Encouragement of
Jonas Green printer Col. Hooper from the Committee of Laws brings
in the Bill Entituled an Act reviving the several Acts therein Men-
tioned which was read the first time and ordered to lye on the Table.
Philip Lee Esqr from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker a
petition of Sundry Freeholders residing in Somerset County in-
dorsed recommended to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Assembly: which petition was here read and ordered to lye on the
The House adjourns untill 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Post Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment &c.
A Bill to empower the Justices of Prince Georges County to raise
Levy and Assess the money therein menconed on the Taxable In-
habitants of Queen Ann parish in said County to repair the Chap-
pie in said parish and for applying part of what Tobacco or money
shall be hereafter levied on the Application of such Vestrymen and
Church- Wardens to the keeping of the same Chappie in repair for
the Future: read the first and second time by an Especial Order and
will pass; which Bill was sent to the Upper House by Major Sprigg
and Mr Wootton.
Mr Smith from the Committee for inspecting the Arms and
Ammunition and Accounts relating thereto, delivers Mr Speaker
the following report.
By the Committee for inspecting the Arms and Ammunition and
Accounts relating thereto 9th May 1738.
p. 757
Your Committee having examined and inspected the Treasurers
Accots of the three pence p hogshead raised for purchasing Arms
and Ammunition from the Year 1732 Do find the said stock charged
with the following Articles (Viz)
In the Accot of Samuel Young
Esqr late Treasurer of the
Western Shore
21st July 1733 paid his Excy
Samuel Ogle Esqr by Order
Of Councill Sterling
200.. 0.. 0
24th Septr 1734 paid his Excy Samuel Ogle Esqr
pursuant to an Act of Assembly
Paid his Excv the Govern-
In the Accot of
our pursuant to an Act of
Tames Hollyday Esqr
Assembly for Arms
1238.. 15...10
91...11.. 8
530.. 7.. 6
And Your Committee likewise find that there is due to the
Country for the three pence p hhd aforesaid to the 29th of Sepr 1736
as appears by the Several Treasurer's Accounts the Sums fol-
lowing Viz.