The Lower House, 177
Monday Morning May the 8th 1738
The House met according to Adjournment, All present as on
Saturday, except Mr Hammond
The Bill Entituled an Act for repealing that part of an Act of
Assembly Entituled an Act to prohibit Exportation of Grain Bread
and Flower so far as relates to the Exportation of Wheat Bread and
Flower only: read the second time and passed, and sent to the Upper
House by Mr George and Mr Weems.
L. H. J.
Lib. No. 45
May 8
Col. Henry Hooper Captain Henry Trippe and Captain Bartholo-
mew Ennalls Gentlemen returned to serve in this Assembly for
Dorchester County appeared in the House this morning, Mr Bran-
nock and Mr Robert Lloyd sent to the Upper House to see them
qualified, they return and acquaint Mr Speaker They saw Them
qualified by their taking the several Oaths to the Government
required by Law and by signing the said Oaths and by repeating and
signing the Test.
This Day being appointed Daniel Dulany Esqr to make his Elec-
tion which of the two places for which he was returned He would
represent either for the County of Ann Arundell or for the City
of Annapolis, Acquaints the House He makes Election to represent
the County of Ann Arundell Ordered that Mr Speaker issue his
Warrant to the Secretary of this Province to make out a Writ
directed to the Mayor Recorder and Alderman of the City of An-
napolis to elect a member to serve in this present Assembly in the.
room of Daniel Dulany Esqr who hath made his Election to serve
for the County of Ann Arundell.
The House adjourns untill 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Post Meridiem. The House met according to Adjournment
Col Gale, Col King William Stoughton Esqr and Mr Robert
Henry the returned Members for Somerset County appeared in the
House this Afternoon, Mr George and Col Colvill sent to the
Upper House to see them qualified. They return and acquaint Mr
Speaker they saw them qualified by taking the several Oaths to the
Government required by Law by signing the said Oaths and by
repeating and signing the Test.
The Gentlemen took their places in the House.
The House adjourns untill to morrow morning at 9 of the Clock.
p. 756
Tuesday Morning May 9th 1738
The House met according to Adjournment, all present as on
On reading the petition of John Lang Rector of St. James's in
Ann Arundell County, the Question was put, whether leave be given
May 9