The Upper House. 147
Be pleased to accept our sincere Thanks for the Satisfaction your
Excellency has been so kind to participate to us from the Receipt of
his Majestys most Gracious Order in Council for restoring and pre-
serving peace and quietness on our Borders and that our happiness
on this Occasion might not be imperfect our most Generous and
indulgent Lord Proprietary has taken an uncommon care that the
U. H. J.
No. 33
sweetness of Peace should be embittered or the news of it less Wel-
come to us by the Load of an extraordinary publick Supply his Lord-
ships Conduct in this is the more remarkably worthy of a Proprietary
as that he wanted not a Precedent from a neighbouring Province
how to get a Sum of money by the fatal miseries and Calamities of
Contentions and disturbances which tho continued with like Preju-
[not prob-
ably omitted
dice to that Country from whence they took their Rise, as to this
Province yet ended with this difference that the Inhabitants there
have paid for pretended inclinations and amusing applications whilst
we enjoy the desirable Effects of humble and sincere instances for
Peace without any other Compliment than a grateful Acknowledg-
ment of our Lord Proprietarys watchful Care and Regard to the
Welfare of this Province
To the same Principles of Benevolence and Affection for his
Lordships Tenants his Lordships late order for Settling the Rates
of Foreign Gold and Silver to be taken in discharge of his Quit
Rents and Alienation Fines is owing and as we cannot be insensible
of the Conviction which these remarkable Instances of his Lord-
ships Great Goodness carry with them of his sincere inclinations
& endeavours for the Happiness and Prosperity of this Province;
p. 515
We think Our selves Strongly Obliged (if we can) any disap-
pointment to your Excellency in your hopes of seing the best
Effects towards Compleating the happy Condition of this Country
from the most perfect mutual good Harmony amongst all the
Branches of Our Legislature formed upon the model of the Blessed
English Constitution so well suited to the Temper and Genius of true
Englishmen that every British Subject (except such who are either
ignorant of that Constitution or are actuated by some other Spirit
than that of an Englishman) look on it as the chief Honour and
Happiness of themselves and Envy of other nations and we can the
more safely promise to ourselves the greatest Felicity from this
Establishment since you Sir preside over us and have always added
truth to your repeated Assurances of your utmost Assistance and
Good wishes for perfecting the happy Condition of this Country
Rd Tilghman, President
Adjourned till two of the. Clock in the Afternoon
[to prevent
after if we