To his Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor and Commander in
chief in & over the Province of Maryld
The humble Address of the Upper house of Assembly
May it please your Excellency
We beg leave to assure your Excellency that your just Condo-
lance of the death of that most Excellent Princess our late most
Gracious Queen meets with that unfeigned Sorrow and Concern in
our Breasts which every British Subject must very sensibly feel on
this melancholy occasion for the loss of a life so inestimably precious
in the Eyes of all true Lovers of our Country and which we and our
Posterity must always with the highest Gratitude and admiration
remember to have been constantly employed in particular Acts of
Care and tenderness for the Prosperity of all his Majestys Subjects
and a most extensive Good will for the happiness of mankind.
We receive your Excellencys Recommendation of reviving the
Act for purchasing arms and ammunition with as thankful a Sense of
your Excellencys prudent and laudable zeal for the Safety of this
Province and its Inhabitants as of the good opinion you are pleased
to entertain of our Readiness towards so just and necessary an end
for which we shall not be wanting in Our Parts