No. 278
p. 12
tive to my Affairs to your Successor, and I hope you will give him
such other Lights as you shall Judge for my Service
7thly As it is necessary for the Safety of the Trade that Expe-
rienced Persons be appointed to Pilote Ships up the Bay as well
as up the Several Rivers within the Province, You shall appoint Such
persons taking from Each and every one of them the Value of Twenty
Shillings Sterling yearly Reserved to us such person paying you the
Fee of Twenty Shillings Curr. for such appointment. Given at
Annapolis under our hand & Seal this Eighteenth day of June in the
nineteenth Year of Our Dominion Annoq Domini 1733.
By his Lordships Command William Janssen
No. 295 1/2
p. 61
p. 62
Orders & Instructions to our Trusty & well Beloved Edmond
Jenings Esqre Secretary & Judge of our Land Office in the Province
of Maryland viz.
No Lands shall be hereafter granted upon any new Warrant
hereafter to be Issued under reservation of a less Rent than ten
Shillings Sterling for every 100 acres unless our Chancellor together
with you our Judge of our Land Office shall for any particular
Lands on the Frontiers or Borders of our Province Think a less Rent
more reasonable in which cases such Lands may be granted for such
less Rent as to our said Chancellor and Yourself shall seem proper.
2 In all Disputes which shall come before You, as Judge in our sd
Office, You shall be assisted in the Determination thereof by our
chancellor for the time being
3. You shall not permitt any Warrant to Issue or other Act or
Thing to be done in your office wch may Intitle any person to any
Lands within this our Province untill our Agent together with our
Chancellor shall have certified under their hands that the mony due
for the Caution or for the Warrant or Lands have been paid.
No grants or Patents shall pass for any Lands hereafter to be
Granted unto the Governor Chancellor Secretary Commissary Judge
of the Land Office Agent or Attorney General or to themselves wives
or Children until our Leave or Pleasure shall be first had & obtain'd
4. But it is our will & pleasure tht the (oovernor Chancellor Sec-
retary Corhissary Judge of the Land Office Agent or Attorney Gen-
eral or their wives or Children may by a warrant & a Location thereof
& a Survey under the same Intitle themselves to the preference of
Lands liable to be granted until our sd pleasure shall be had therein
as aforesaid.
5. In all Affairs in our sd Land Office wch may relate to yourself
wife or own Children the Chancellor shall Determine & Direct the
same & shall also instead of yourself sign what may relate thereto.
6. You shall keep authentic Records of all your proceedings.