Tuesday Morning 10th April 1733
This House met again According to Adjournmt Present as
Read the second time the bill Entituled an Act for Continuing part
of An Act Entituled an Act for laying an Imposition on Tobacco
by the Hogshead for Support of Government, and for payment of his
Lordships quit Rents and Alienation fines for the time therein men-
tioned, and with the following Amendments will pass; Line 3d after
the word of, Instead of the words, The said Recited Act, insert, Viz,
An Act Entituled an Act for laying an Imposition on Tobacco by the
hhd for Support of Government, and for payment of His Lordships
Quitt Rents and Alienation fines for the time therein mentioned
made at a Session of Assembly held at Annapolis the Eleventh day of
July in the year of Our Lord 1732 Line 9th after the word, year,
insert these words Viz. And be a perpetual Law, leave out the word
untill, in 9th line, and the whole 10th and 11th Lines, and insert the
following clause; And be it further Enacted that an Act Entituled
an Act for Settlement of an Annual Revenue upon her Majesties
Govern' within this Province for the time being made at a Sessior.
of Assembly held at Annapolis the fifth day of September in the year
of our Lord 1704 be and is hereby Repealed and made void to all
Intents and Purposes, ordered to be so Endorsed, and sent to the
Lower House by John Rousby Esqr
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for laying out anc
Applying 3500£ Current Money of Maryland to the uses therein
mentioned, and will pass Ordered to be so Endorsed and sent to the
Lower house by Col Ward
An Engrossed Bill from the Lower House by Mrs Hanson and
Hawkins Entituled an Act for the Relief of Anthony Parker Patrick
Ryley and Cleyborne Lomax languishing Prisoners in Charles County