Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Michael Howard Esqr from the Committee appointed to draw
up an Address to the Right Honourable the Ld Proprietary relating
to the Importation of the Salt, brings in the following Address.
To the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of Maryland.
The humble Address of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly
of that Province
May it please Your Lordship
We have taken into Consideration the Great Advantages which
the People of New England derive from the Exceptn in the Statute
of the fifteenth of King Charles the second allowing the Importation
of European Salt directly thither from the Place of its Growth ;
and that the like Indulgence could it be obtained would be very
beneficial to his Majestys Subjects living in Maryland and enable
them to contribute to the further Encrease of the Trade and Navi-
gation of their Mother Country; And we humbly hope that since
the People of New York and Pensilvania have obtained that favour
that the same may be granted to us upon making a proper Appli-
cation for it; and the Consideration of Our steady Loyalty to Our
most Gracious Sovereign, Our firm Attachmt to the present happy
Establishment in his August house, and the Advantage Our Staple
of Tobacco is to the Trade of Great Britain strengthen these Our
We need not represent to your Lordship that there is great
Plenty and Variety of Fish in Chesapeak Bay and in the great