This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as yesterday except Edmund Jenings Esqr
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act to prevent the
making of seconds, and the Bill Entituled an Act for erecting a
Town in Kent County on the South side of Sassafras River on a
tract of Land called Tolechester at the Place where the ferry is now
kept; passed and sent to the Lower house by Geo: Plater Esqr
Read the Petition of Nicholas Aberdeen Prisoner in Prince
Georges County Goal, and William Jones Prisoner in Queen Anns
County Goal, and rejected the Petrs not having complyed with the
Resolve of this house relating to Insolvent Debtors
Read the second time the Bill Entituled an Act for the Relief of
Isaac Tunney a languishing Prisoner in Talbot County Goal William
Pratt in the same Goal Richard Standforth in Charles County Goal
and Samuel Steel in Queen Anns County Goal, passed & sent by
Mr Howard Esqr
Adjourned 'till two of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem