U. H. J.
well being of a Country; but also Our own thankful Sense of that
Tenderness felt by your self on Occasion of the last Prorogation:
We have had sufficient Reasons to be perswaded, you would not
make Use of your Authority for any other than such good Purposes
as might prevent the Continuance of a Misunderstanding between
the Two houses, and contribute to the Prosperity of this Province ;
And we should leave Ourselves without Excuse, if we did not, at the
same Time we own this your Generous Care, assure your Excellency,
of persevering in our known Unwillingness to put your Excellency
again under the like Necessity
Your Excellency has so plainly pointed out to us the Consequences,
as well of a good Agreement, as of unnecessary Disputes, that we
hope, by promoting the first, and avoiding the latter, we shall shew
Ourselves really desirous of truly serving the Country; and of sup-
porting your Excellencys candid Opinion of Our Intentions to ease
the People, as much as may be, by all just and reasonable Means
Jno Hall President
Adjourned 'till two of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This house met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning