Acts. 285
not already begun for the same,) by the Payment or Tendering, as
aforesaid, of the Twenty Shillings per Taxable, for every Hundred
and Fifty Pounds of Tobacco by such Person neglected to be burnt,
unto the Justices of the County Court where the Neglect hath or
shall happen, or to any Person or Persons by them authorized, shall
be freed from all Prosecutions and Charges for the not burning To-
bacco, as aforesaid; and that the Justices of the County Courts, when
it shall appear, by comparing the Constables Lists with the Burners
Lists, that any Person hath made or shall make Default in burning
Tobacco, shall call the Party supposed to have failed in his Duty
before them, by Summons, or otherwise; and if such Person appears
to have made Default, to give Judgment in a Summary Way for the
Twenty Shillings per Taxable, and award Execution thereon, if Oc-
casion be, without any other Cost to the Party charged, than that of
the Clerk's and Sheriff's Fees for Summons, Judgment, and Exe-
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That the Justices of the County Courts shall, by the
Twenty Fifth Day of December next, transmit to the Commissioners
of the Paper Currency for the Time being, at the Risque of the Prov-
ince, all the Money that shall be by them, or their Order, received, by
Virtue of this Act, with an Account thereof; and that the Justices,
for their Trouble therein, shall have and receive Five Pounds per
Cent, for what they shall receive.
And whereas it is doubted by many, Whether the Inhabitants of
this Province, who are by the said Law obliged to burn One Hun-
dred and Fifty Pounds of trashy Tobacco per Taxable, should do so
by the Lists of Taxables taken in the Year Seventeen Hundred and
Thirty Three, or in the Year Seventeen Hundred and Thirty Four :
To remove which Doubt, it is thought proper it should be Enacted ;
And be it Enacted, and Declared, by the Authority, Advice, and
Consent aforesaid, That the Burning for this present Year be, and
ought to be, according to the Lists of Taxables last taken; any thing
to the contrary thereof, in the said Act, notwithstanding.
p. 7
A Supplementary Act, to the Act, intituled, An Act laying an Im-
position on Negroes, and on several Sorts of Liquors imported :
And also on Irish Servants, to prevent the importing too great a
Number of Irish Papists into this Province.
Forasmuch as it appears to this General Assembly, to be a Hard-
ship upon the Importers of Servants and Slaves into this Province,
to pay Duty for such as shall happen to die, or be exported again
before Sale: Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Chap. VI
ments 1715,
ch. 36; con-
tinued by
1740, ch. 9;
1744, ch. 9;
1747, ch, 15 ;
1751, ch. 10;
1754, ch. 6;
1757, ch. 22;
1762, ch. 12;
1765, ch. 18;
June, 1773,
ch. 2]