284 Assembly Proceedings, March 20, 1734/5-April 24, 1735.
And whereas by the said recited act the Honourable Charles Cal-
vert, Esq; Benjamin Tasker, Esq; and Edmund Jenings, Esq; John
Beale, Esq; Ralph Crabb, and Philip Hammond, Gentlemen, or the
major part of them, were authorized and impowered to apply the
Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, for the Purposes therein mention'd ;
but Three of the said Persons are since deceas'd; so that the Com-
missioners, or Trustees, for emitting the Bills of Credit, according to
Act of Assembly, cannot safely pay the said Sum of Five Hundred
Pounds to the surviving Three Persons; whereby the Intent and
Design of the said Act is rendered Frustrate, and of no Effect ;
Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the Advice
and Consent aforesaid, That Benjamin Tasker, Esq; and Richard
Francis, Esq; Mr. Philip Hammond, Mr. Vachel Denton, and Capt.
p. 6
Robert Gordon, or the Majority of them, are hereby impowered and
authorized, to apply the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds, (to be paid
to Them in Manner herein after directed,) in and towards such
Repairs of the Council-House, the Stadt-House, and the Parade, in
Annapolis, as they shall think most proper: And that the Commis-
sioners, or Trustees, for emitting the Bills of Credit, by Act of As-
sembly, shall issue and pay the said Money, according to the Direc-
tions of the said Benjamin Tasker, Edmund Jenings, Richard
Francis, Philip Hammond, Vachel Denton, and Robert Gordon, or
the major Part of them.
Chap. IV
1733, ch. 6]
An Act for relieving sundry Inhabitants in this Province, from
the Charges of Prosecutions for not burning Tobacco, in Pur-
suance of an Act of Assembly, intituled, An Act for Emitting
and making Current, Ninety Thousand Pounds, Current Money
of Maryland, in Bills of Credit.
Forasmuch as many Persons, by the Act of Assembly, intituled,
An Act for Emitting and making Current, Ninety Thousand Pounds,
Current Money of Maryland, in Bills of Credit, are required to burn
One Hundred and Fifty Pounds of Tobacco for each Taxable, by the
Shortness of the last Crops, have not been, nor are, able so to do, but
are willing to pay the Twenty Shillings imposed in Lieu thereof;
and yet subject to an expensive Prosecution in the County Courts :
For Prevention whereof,
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That the Justices of the several County Courts shall
receive all such Sums of Money, as are or shall become due by Means
of the said Act for the not burning Tobacco, that shall be tendered to
them; and that all Persons that have or shall make Default in burning .
the Tobacco by the said Act required, (whereof Prosecutions are