L. H. J.
Lib. No. 45
p. 532
The Bill Entituled an Act for the Explaining and Carrying into
Execution an Act Entituled an Act for laying Out and applying
Three Thousand five Hundred Pounds Current Money of Maryland
to the Uses therein Mentioned Read the Second time passed and
sent to the Upper House by Col Belt and three More, with the
following Message. [This message is printed at page 173.]
They Return and Acquaint Mr Speaker They Delivered the
Col Hanson from the Committee of Elections and Priviledges
Delivers Mr Speaker the following Report.
By The Committee of Elections and Priviledges 3 Ist March, 1735
We the Committee having Examined the Writs and Indentures
of the Several Members Returned to serve This Session do find
That Mr Thomas Sheredine Mr John Moale Mr William Hamil-
ton And Mr Roger Mathews Members returned for Baltimore
County are Duely Elected.
That Mr Philip Hammond, Mr Vachel Denton, Daniel Dulany
Esqr and Mr Richard Warfield Members Returned for Ann Arundell
County are duely Elected. That Mr John Magruder Major Edward
Sprigg Col Joseph Belt and Mr John Stoddart Members Returned
for Prince George County are duely Elected.
That Col John Mackall, Mr Benjamin Mackall Mr Walter Smith
and Mr Adderton Skinner Members Returned for Calvert County
are Duly Elected.
That Col. Robert Hanson, Mr John Courts Mr William Mid-
p. 533
dleton and Mr Henry Holland Hawkins Members returned for
Charles County are Duly Elected.
That Levin Gale Esqr Col Robert King, Major George Dashiel
and William Stoughton Esqr Members returned for Sumerset
County are duly Elected.
That Mr Edward Needles, Mr Nicholes Goldsborough Mr John
Edmundson & Mr Tench Francis Members returned for Talbot
County are duly Elected.
That Mr William Hemsley Mr William Elliott Mr Edward Wright
and Mr William Tilghman Members Returned for Queen Anns
County are duly Elected.
That James Harris Esqr Mr Christopher Hall Mr George Wilson
and Mr Philip Kennard Members returned for Kent County are
duly Elected.
That Col Ephraim Augustine Herman, Mr Joshua George, Mr
Joseph Wood & Mr Thomas Johnson Junr Members Returned for
Cecil County are Duly Elected. But it appears to Your Committee