p. 524
Sent to the Upper House by Col Gale & Col King, They return
and say They delivered the same.
Ordered That a Bill be brought in for the better Preservation of
George Plater Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
a Petition of John Haswell of Prince Georges County Chirurgeon.
Referred from the Upper House Read here and Ordered to Lie
on the Table.
Col Belt a Representative of Prince Georges County Appeared
in the House this afternoon.
Major Sprigg And Mr Stoddart sent to the Upper House to see
him Qualified, by his taking the Several Oaths to the Government,
and repeating and Signing the Test, They return and Acquaint Mr
Speaker they saw him Qualified. Philip Lee Esqr from the Upper
House Delivers Mr Speaker the following Message.
[This message is printed at page 169.]
And a Copy of the Assessment made.
Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr
Speaker a Petition of Several County Clerks; Praying an Adequate
Reward, for their trouble in the Distribution of the Thirty Shillings