Gentlemen of the Lower House
I must in a particular manner recommend to you the Revival of
the Law for the Provision of Arms and Ammunition, a Law so
absolutely necessary for the Defence of the Province that was I to
neglect any opportunity of pressing it I might be justly Thought
wanting in that care and vigilance for your Safety which my Duty
in my present Station indispensibly requires of me. It being very
certain (tho the unsettled Condition of Affairs in Europe may call
upon us more particularly at this Time) that it is our Interest alway
to have the Province in such a Posture of Defence as may be Suffi-
cient not only to defeat but even prevent any Attack from our
Gentlemen of Both Houses
I Believe I need not use many words to perswade you to Temper
and moderation in your Proceedings, it being very plain to all reason-
able men whatever weak People may think, that the true Interest
of the Province can never be pursued without a good Agreement
between the Several Branches of the Legislature. This I shall alway
endeavour to promote as much as lies in my power, as the only way
to lay a Sure and lasting Foundation for our future Happiness &
make no Doubt of meeting your hearty Concurrance
Adjourned till two of the clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem.
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning with the Addition of Michael Howard
Messrs Hammond and Hemsley from the lower House acquaint
his Excellcy that their House hath made choice of Mr Michael Mac-
nemara for their Clerk, and hopes for his Excellency's Approbation
who approves of the said Macnemara, and thereupon he takes the
Oaths to the Government appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly
and Subscribes the Oath of Abjuration and Test according to the
Directions of the said Act and also takes the usual oath of office and
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning nine of the Clock
U. H. J.
Lib. No. 33
p. 312