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Health, Which Excuse the Governour is pleased to admitt and desires
the Members of the Lower House to Return to their House and make
choice of some other fit Person for their Speaker
Mr Key and Mr Hammond from the Lower House acquaint his
Excellency that their House hath made choice of a Speaker.
Col Tilghman is sent to the Lower House to inform them his Ex-
cellency requires their Attendance in the Upper House to present
their Speaker for his Approbation.
The whole House attend and present James Harris Esqr as their
Speaker with which choice his Excellency declares himself well
pleased whereupon his Excellency makes the following Speech
Gentlemen of the Upper & Lower Houses of Assembly
As this is the first Time of our meeting in Assembly since we
Received the news of the marriage of the Princess Royal with his
Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, I cannot notwithstanding
the Length of Time neglect this opportunity of congratulating you
on so happy an occasion, being perswaded that you must feel the
same Joy and Satisfaction, the same Sense of Gratitude to his
Majesty for his Paternal Care and Goodness which has been so
fully testified by all the Rest of his faithful Subjects
Of the many inestimable Benefits we Enjoy under his Majesty's
most mild & Just Government it is not one of the least that we have
the Liberty of making among ourselves from Time to Time such
Laws not inconsistent with the Trade and Interest of Great Brit-
tain as may be thought most proper to promote our own Welfare
and Prosperity. A Privilege from which we shall always reap
advantages in Proportion to the Wisdom and Prudence that gov-
erns our Consultations, Therefore as we are now met together for
that Purpose, I Hope you will apply yourselves to the Service of
your Country, with an Attention Suitable to the occasion; there
being many Things particularly relating to our truly Valuable
Staple of Tobacco, that will readily occur to you very well worth
your Serious Consideration