U. H. J.
Lib. No. 33
most healthful; and take this Opportunity of congratulating you
on the favourable Passage, and happy Arrival of his Lordship and
Lady Baltimore in Great Britain
The Care His Lordship has taken to prevent the Counterfeiting of
Our Paper Money, must be still an Additional Security to its real
Worth, which I hope, will always keep up the Credit of it against
the utmost Efforts of those, who may endeavour to depreciate it
out of private Views
Gentlemen of the Lower House
p. 303
I might justly be thought wanting in my constant Care for the
safety and wel-being of this Province, if I should not earnestly
recommend to you the Revival of the Law for the Provision of Arms
and Ammunition
Those Arguments which at all times are sufficient to prove the
Necessity of having such a Law always in Force, are now made
stronger by Alarms and Apprehensions of a War; and how soon
that may be declared, none amongst us can presume to determine
We can never be too well provided against sudden Emergencies,
and I am withheld by my good Opinion of your Prudence from
Supposing that the Representatives of Maryland will ever hereafter
suffer a Fund, appropriated for the Defence and Safeguard of the
Province against its Enemies, to cease; Especially since no Mis-
application can be pretended of the Sums already raised for that
Purpose; And this must prove a reasonable Assurance, that any
future Sums will be as carefully preserved as the former for the
Service of the Country.
Gentlemen of Both Houses
I hope I need not assure you of my uninterrupted Wishes & En-
deavours for the Honour and Prosperity of this Province, and I am
willing to flatter myself that you entertain such mutual Benevolence
and good Dispositions towards One another, that the only Struggle
will be, who shall shew themselves most forward in promoting
Unamimity, the best way to give Dispatch to Business, and lessen
Our publick Expences, a Point of such Importance to the Ease and
Happiness of the People of Maryland, that I shall always think it
well worth my greatest Attention
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning nine of the Clock