112 Assembly Proceedings, March 13, 1732/3-April 12, 1/33.
any Frauds, when there shall be any Suspicion of any Fraud being
committed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act.
And that the said Person or Persons, so to be appointed to put this
Act in Execution, shall return to their respective County Courts, a
List or Lists of such Person or Persons as shall refuse or neglect to
burn the Quantities of Tobacco herein before-mentioned; which List
to be so returned, shall, by such Person or Persons sworn, or
affirmed, to be true, and deemed to be full Evidence, to prove a
Breach of this Act, unless such Certificate shall be contradicted and
falsified by the Testimony of Two legal and indifferent Witnesses,
upon Oath, or Affirmation.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners or Trus-
tees, upon every Person so to be appointed, producing or sending to
them, a Certificate of such Appointment, and a Testimonial from any
one Justice of the Peace, or of Two honest and reputable Persons,
of the same County with such Person, that he has honestly executed
his Duty, according to the Tenor of this Act, shall pay to every such
p. 22
Person, or his Order, Six Pence, in Bills of Credit, for every Hun-
dred and Fifty Pounds of Tobacco.
And be it further Enacted, That any Person, who shall be ap-
pointed, as aforesaid, and who shall refuse to act, not being disabled
by Age, Sickness, or other Infirmity, to be proved to the Satisfaction
of the Justices of the County Courts, shall forfeit and pay a Fine of
Ten Pounds current Money of Maryland; to be applied, as aforesaid.
And that in every such Case, or in Case of the Death, Disability,
or Removal of any Person or Persons who shall be so appointed,
and shall act, that then, in the Vacation, any One or Two Justice or
Justices shall appoint another or other substantial and reputable
Person or Persons, in the Stead of the Person or Persons so dead,
disabled, refusing, or removed: And that the Person or Persons,
to be so appointed, shall be obliged to take the Oath, or Affirmation,
herein before mentioned; and to execute and perform the same
Duty, as if appointed by the Justices of the County Courts, in Court,
under the same Fine and Penalty as herein before expressed; and
shall be entituled to the same Reward and Satisfaction, as if so
Provided always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this
Act, That if it shall be more convenient to any of the Inhabitants of
this Province, to burn and destroy the Quantities of Tobacco, herein
before mentioned, in some other Hundred than where such Inhabi-
tant shall reside, it shall and may be lawful, in every such Case, that
such Tobacco shall be burnt before, and in the View of, the Person or
Persons appointed to put this Act in Execution, in such Hundred;
who shall give a Certificate thereof to every such Inhabitant.