Seventeen Hundred, Thirty and Five, for every taxable Person, as
herein before-mentioned: And that every Person who shall fail to
perform what is required by this Act, shall, for every One Hundred
and Fifty Pounds of Tobacco thereby appointed to be burnt, and
which shall not be so burnt, be fined Twenty Shillings current Money
of Maryland; to be applied to defray the Charge of emitting and
negotiating the said Bills of Credit.
And be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices
of the several and respective County Courts, at their several Courts
to be held in the Month of March next, shall appoint Two substan-
tial and reputable Freeholders, not being Members of either House
of Assembly, Clergymen, Sheriffs, or practicing Physicians, in
every Hundred, in their respective Counties, who shall, by Virtue
of their Office, and this Act, take Copies of the several Lists of
Taxables, returned by the several Constables, in the County Courts,
the preceeding Year; which said Lists, the several County Clerks are
hereby required to deliver unto them, within Twenty Days after such
their Appointment; and that the Persons so to be appointed, shall
take the following Oath, or Affirmation, if a Quaker.
I A. B. do swear, or affirm, That I will well and truly execute
the Powers and Authorities to me given, by an Act, intituled. An Act
for Emitting and Making current Ninety Thousand Pounds Current
Money of Maryland, in Bills of Credit, without Favour or Affection,
Partiality or Corruption, to the utmost of my Power, Skill, and
Provided always, That no Person who shall be so appointed, shall
be deemed or taken to be an Officer, or subject to any Pains,
Penalties, or Forfeitures, for not taking the Oaths to the Govern-
ment, as a Qualification, to put this Act in Execution.
And be it Enacted, That the Persons so to be appointed, shall,
between the Last Day of May, and Last Day of July, in the respec-
tive Years aforesaid, of Seventeen Hundred Thirty Four, and Seven-
teen Hundred Thirty Five, either together, or one of them to one
Part, and the other to the other Part of their Hundreds, at their Dis-
cretion, repair to the Dwelling-house, or Place of Abode of every In-
habitant, within their respective Hundreds, and require every such
Person to produce the several Quantities of Tobacco herein before-
mentioned; which the said Persons, or either of them, shall cause to
be burnt in his or their View: And that the respective Inhabitants
shall be obliged to find and provide Fewel for that Purpose, and to
burn, or cause such Tobacco to be burnt and destroyed, in the Pres-
ence of the Person or Persons to be appointed, and aforesaid: And
that such Person or Persons shall give a Certificate or Certificates of
the Quantities of Tobacco to be so burnt; which Certificates may be
compared with the Constables Lists of Taxables, in Order to discover
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