the Contrary notwithstanding, This Act to endure for Three years
or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall first happen.
A Supplementary Act to the Act for payment & Assessment of the
Publick charge of this Province.
Forasmuch as since the laying and assessing of the last publick
charge of this Province as appears by an Act of Assembly made at a
Sessions of Assembly held at the Port of Annapolis the first day of
July last past severall accounts charges and Expences have accrewed
to be paid and disburst by the Publick which said accounts have been
examined stated and allowed of by this present Generall Assembly,
to the end therefore that the same may be satisfied and paid to those
persons to whom the same is due, Be it Enacted by the Kings Most
Excellent Majesty by and with the advice & consent of this present
Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same that the sum of
one hundred Seventy eight Thousand Nine hundred Thirty three
pounds of Tobbacco being what hath since last Sessions of Assembly
been disbursed and expended be paid in manner and forme as is
hereafter expressed, by an Equall Assessment upon the Persons &
Estates of the Inhabitants of this Province, and be paid to the severall
persons to whome the same is due as aforesaid, (That is to say) To
Mr Robert Mason seven hundred & sixty pounds of Tobacco, To
Coll John Cood Thirteen hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobbacco
To Mr Kenelm Chesledyne Esqre Two hundred and Eighty pounds of
Tobbacco To Mr Philip Clark Two hundred & Eighty pounds of
Tobacco To Capta Tho: Waughop Two hundred & Eighty pounds
of Tobbacco To Majr William Dent Two hundred and Eighty
pounds of Tobbacco, To Majr James Smallwood Two hundred and
Eighty pounds of Tobacco, To Mr Henry Hauckins Two hundred
and Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr William Huchison Two hun-
dred and Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr William Hatton Two
hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Majr William Barton
Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Capta Tho: Tasker
Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbaco, To Mr Francis Huchins
Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco To Mr James Cranford
Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbaco To Majr John Ham-
mond Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Major Ed-
ward Dorsey Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Capta
Richd Hill Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr James
Saunders Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr Ed-
ward Boothby Two hundred & Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr
George Ashman Two hundred and Eighty pounds of Tobbacco, To
Coll St Ledger Codd Two hundred and Eighty pounds of Tobbacco.
To Coll William Pearce Two hundred and Eighty pounds of To-
bacco, To Majr John Thompson Two hundred and Eighty pounds
of Tobbacco, To Coll John Henson Two hundred and Eighty
pounds of Tobbacco, To Coll Hance Hanson Two hundred & Eighty
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
Acts of
Sept. 1696,
ch. 25