C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
required & Enjoyned dilligently to enquire after the Overseers of the
high Ways and all others if they doe and discharge their severall
dutys herein and by other Laws of this Province Enjoyned and
required of them, and upon knowledge or Evidence of any Mis-
feasance or Nonfeasance therein shall make due presentment &
prosecution thereof under the penallty of five hundred pounds of
Tobacco, to every Justice neglecting or refuseing to present & prose-
cute the same, and that all Roades that leads to any Ferrys Court
house of any County, or to any Church, or leading through any
County to the Port of Annapolis, shall be marked on both sides the
Roade with Two notches if the Roade leads to Annapolis, the Roade
that leads there at the leaveing the other Roade shall be marked on
the face of the Tree in a smooth place cut for that purpose with the
Letters A. A. sett on with a pair of marking Irons and Coulered,
& soe with two notches all along the Roade, And where at any place
it leaves any other Roade, shall be again distinguished with the mark
afore said, on the face of the Tree with a pair of marking Irons, &
Coulered as aforesaid And any roade on the Eastern Shore in Tal-
bott County that leads to the Port of William Stadt at the Entrance
into the same, and upon parting with or dividing from any other
Roade shall be marked on the face of a Tree in a smooth place cut
for that purpose with the Letter W. and soe with Two notches all
along the Roade, And the Road that leads to any County Court
house shall have Two Notches on the Tree on both sides the Roades
as aforesaid, and another Notch a distance above the other two, And
any Roade that leads to a Church shall be marked at the Entrance
into the same at leaving any other Roade with a Slip cut downe the
face of the Tree near the ground, and any Roade leading to a Ferry
and devideing from other Publick Roades shall be marked with
Three Notches of Equall distance at the Entrance into the same,
and these Rules and Meothods the severall Justices of the County
Courts, shall from time to time give in charge to the Overseers of the
high Ways by them to be appointed for that purpose who are likewise
Enjoyned carefully and strictley to observe & performe the same
under the penallty of one hundred pounds of Tobbacco for every
such default by any overseer of the high Ways as aforesaid, And
where any Roade shall lead through any seated Plantacon or ould
feilds, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and with the
advice & consent aforesaid that the severall and respective Overseers
within their severall and respective precincts doe sett up posts soe
many as may be perceived from one to the other which posts shall
be marked and notched according to the place they lead to as before
in the Act for the marking & notching of Roades have been appointed,
And that the posts of all gates through which any such Roade shall
leade as aforesaid be marked and notched as aforesaid under the
penallty aforesaid any thing in this or any other Act contained to