C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
obtained either in Provinciall or County Courts or other inferiour
Courts of Record within this Province shall be stayed or delayed or
any Supersedeas upon such Judgment granted or issued forth upon
any appeal or Writt of Error from any Such Court or Courts of
Record as aforesaid to the Court before whome such appeal ought to
be brought or before whome such Writt of Error ought to be heard
tryed & determined unless such person or persons in whose name such
appeale or writt of Error shall be made or brought as aforesaid or
some other on his her or their behalf shall immediately upon making
such appeal or suing out such Writt of Error as aforesaid enter into
Bond with sufficient Sureties such as the Justices of the Court by
whom Judgment shall be given as aforesaid, or the Keeper of the
Seal for the time being to whom application shall be made for such
Writt of Error as aforesaid shall approve of in double the sum
recovered by such Judgment obtained as aforesaid with Condition
that if the party appellant or party suing out such Writt of Error as
aforesaid shall not persue the directions in this Act hereafter men-
tioned at the next Court ensuing before whome such appeal or
Writt of Error shall be tryed as aforesaid and prosecute the same
with effect, and also satisfie and pay to the said party his heires
Executors Administrators or Assignes in case the said Judgments
should be affirmed as well all & singular the Debts damages & Cost
adjudged by the Court before whome such action from whose
Judgment such Appeal shall be made or thereon a Writt of Error
brought as aforesaid shall have been Originally tryed as also all
Cost and damages that shall be awarded at the Court before whome
such appeal or Writt of Error shall be heard tryed & determined as
aforesaid then the said bond to be and remaine in full force &
Vertue. And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by & with
the Advice and Consent aforesaid that no person or persons what-
soever against whome any Judgment shall be given in any Court
within this Province wherein the Original debt or damages for
which such Judgment shall be given as aforesaid shall not amount
unto the severall & respective sums of money or Tobacco hereafter
mentioned & exprest that is to say appeals or Writts of Error made or
brought from the County Courts or other inferior Courts of Record
to the Provinciall Courts wherein the debt or damages do not amount
unto the sum of six pounds Sterling or twelve hundred pounds of
Tobacco and from the Judgment of the Provinciall Court unto the
Governeur and Councill wherein the debt & damages shall not
amount unto or exceed the sum of Fifty pounds sterling or ten Thou-
sand pounds of Tobacco be allowed any Appeal or Writt of Error
thereupon brought, but the Judgment of the Justices of the Court
by whome such Judgment shall be given as aforesaid and thereupon
entred shall be definitive for any such debt or damages as aforesaid
any Law usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.