and sending to every County as aforesaid shall for every such default
for every Cattalogg or Docquett so omitted to be sent as aforesaid
forfitt & pay the sum of five hundred pounds of Tobacco and every
Witness sumoned in any Criminall matter that shall not duly attend
the first day of the Court unless hindred by the Extremity of Wether
or sickness to be adjudged by the Court as shall neglect to attend the
Attorney Generall as aforesaid shall for every such default forfitt &
pay the sum of 1000ls of Tobacco, the Attorney Generall & Soliciter
Generall if they both neglect due attendance and giving due notice
as aforesaid shall for every such default forfitt & pay the sum of 1200ls
of Tobacco apeice, and the said Justice so appointed to see the Doc-
quett called over and settled as aforesaid is hereby strictly enjoyned
to keep account and make true report to the next Court if any
Attorney or Clerk neglect their duty in any respect by this Act
enjoyned that any one Delinquent may be proceeded against all which
fines and forfeitures shall and may be recovered in his Majtys name
his heires & Successors in any Court of Record within this Prov-
ince by Action of Debt bill plaint or Information wherein no Essoyn
protection or wager of Law shall be allowed and shall be paid to the
publique Treasurers of this Province and shall be applyed to the
purchasing a Library of books for the Use of the Provinciall Court
Justices & Practiconers as shall be advised & considered by the said
Justices & Practitioners, and that the Cause shall be deemed to arrise
out of the County where the Plaintiff lives. And be it Enacted by
the Authority aforesaid that in all Causes hereafter to be tryed in
the Provinciall Court of this Province, in case that the Jurys which
are sumoned by the severall & respective Sherriffs of the severall &
respective Countys of this Province do not appeare upon the return
of the severall Venire faciass that then and in every such case it
shall & may be Lawfull to & for the Justices of the Provincial Court
to award or order two persons of the bystanders being good & Law-
full men of the County where the matter of Fact was done to be
putt into the pannell to make up each Jury, Provided allways and it
is the true intent & meaning of this Act that all former proceedings &
Tryalls at Law heretofore had in this Province shall be deemed and
taken for good in law although the Jury that tryed the same or any
of them were not of the same County where the fact was alledged.
This Act to endure for three years or to the end of the next Generall
Assembly which shall first happen.
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
An Act for Appeals & Regulating Writts of Error.
Forasmuch as the Liberty of Appeals & Writts of Error from the
Judgment of the Provinciall & County Courts of this Province is
found to be of great use & benefitt to the good people thereof Be
it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majty by & with
the Advice & Consent of this present Generall Assembly and the
Authority of the same that no Executions upon any Judgments
Acts of
Oct. 1695,
ch. 19