Acts. 55
An additional act to the act for Regulating the Militia of this
Whereas by an act of Assembly Intituled an act for regulating the
Militia of this Province amongst other things therein contained it
was Enacted that every person enlisted into the trayned bands or
Militia of the severall & respective Counties within this Province
should from time to time bring into the field one fixed Gun, as allso
every person enlisted as a trooper should ride his own horse equipped
with Sword Carbine pistolls & houlsters & ammunition under the
paines & penalties in the said recited act mentioned and expressed,
but for that the said Act hath provided no remedie for secureing the
Rights & properties of such persons to such horses & armes as affore-
said from being seized & taken away by attachments & executions or
preventing the owners from selling pawning or otherwise disposeing
of such their horses or armes as afforesaid, Be it Enacted by the King
& Queens most Excellent Majesties by & with the advice & consent
of this present Gennerall Assembly & the Authority of the same that
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
Acts of
May, 1695,
ch. 17
from & after the publication hereof every person whatsoever enlisted
in the trained bands or Militia of this Province shall at the next
Muster enter with the Clerke the armes wherewith he shall exercise,
& that the Clerke of the severall & respective companies doe upon such
arms entred as afforesaid, affix some marke thereon peculier to the
company, whiche mark no person or persons whatsoever shall pre-
sume to affix upon any armes not entered as afforesaid, under the
penalty of four hundred pounds of tobacco to be levied & assessed by
the Militia Officers in field being, & execution thereon awarded to be
executed & applyed to the uses intents & purposes as the several &
respective fines in the former act mentioned are to be applyed & no
other. And that the Clerke of every troop shall at the next exercise
enter the arms wherewith the severall & respective Troopers shall
appear & them marke as afforesaid, which mark no person shall pre-
sume to affix on any other armes not entred as aforesaid, under the
penaltie aforementioned which said arms the owner thereoff shall
be obliged to appear with at the several & respective times of muster
as shall from time to time hereafter ensue under the penaltie as in the
afforesaid recited act is mentioned & in case upon the calling over
such company or troop as afforesaid, any the said persons upon ex-
amination shall be found to have disposed pawned lent out or
Imbezled such his or their armes as afforesaid such person or persons
shall be fined four hundred pounds of tobacco or under according to
the nature of the offence as the afforesaid Millitary Officers shall ad-
judge, & that no person or persons whatsoever shall accept of any such
purchase or pawn or by what other waies or means soever lay claim to
any arms so marked & entred as afforesaid under the penalty of five
hundred pounds of tobacco to be appropriated to buying Drums &
Colours for the use of the Company to be recovered in the several &
respective County Courts where such person or persons shall reside