C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
One thousand six hundred ninety two Entituled an Act for Prohibit-
ting trade with the Indians for any flesh dead or alive except Deer
& Wilde Fowle One other act made at the same Assembly Intituled
an Act for the more speedy bringing to tryall (& suppressing Crim-
minalls & limmitting their punishments for certaine offences) in the
County Courts, one other act made at the same Assembly Entituled
an Act Relating to servants & slaves, One other act made at the same
Assembly Intituled an act declareing what shall be done by the
Sheriffs ex officio, one other act made at the same Assembly Intituled
an act for secureing Merchants & others tobacco after they have
received it, one other act made at the same Assembly Intituled an Act
for Limmitation of Officers fees, One other act made at the same
Assembly Intituled an act for limmiting the County Clerkes fees
within this Province; One other act made at the same assembly
Intituled an act for the Ordering & Regulateing of the Militia of this
Province for the better defence & securitie thereoff, One other Act
made at the same Assembly Intituled an act ascertaining what dam-
ages shall be allowed uppon protested Bills of Exchange, One other
Act made at the same Assembly Intituled an act for encouragement
of tillage & Raiseing Provisions for advancement of trade in this
Province, One other act made at the same Assembly Intituled an act
for the better Administracon of Justice in the County Courts of this
Province, One other Act made at the Same Assembly Intituled an
Act for amerciaments in the Provinciall & County Courts, One
other act made at the same Assembly Intituled an Act against the
exportation of Wooll & old Iron, One other act made at the same
Assembly Intituled an act for the restraining the Exportation of
Leather & raw hides Deer & elke skinns out of this Province for the
encouragement of Tanners & Schoomakers, one other act made at the
same Assembly Intituled an act prohibiting forreigne ingrossers,
allso one other act made at the Assembly begun & held at the Citty
of St. Maryes the one & twentieth day of September in the year of
our Lord 1694 Intituled an act for settleing a Revenew on their
Majesties present Governour, allso one other act made at the same
Assembly Intituled an Act for Appeales and Regulateing Writts of
Error, one other act made at the same assembly Intituled an act for
speedie & easie Justice for small debts, allso one other act made at the
same Assembly Intituled an act for the Imposition of four pence per
gallon on Liquors Imported into this Province, allso one other act
made at the same Assembly Intituled an act to prevent the great evill
occasioned by the multiplicitie of horses within this Province, allso
one other Act made at the same Assembly Intituled an act prohibiting
the Inhabitants of this Province or any others from carrying Liquors
to the Indian Townes or Cabbins & that these severall Acts of Assem-
bly & every perticuler clause & thing therein contained shall be &
are hereby revived & continued to stand & be in full force & effect
for & dureing three years or to the end of the next Gennerall Assem-
bly which shall first happen.