that your Matys will be gratiously pleased to give and grant your
speciall Lycence as farr as your Matys see expedient to the said
Francis Nicholson Esqr and other Trustees aforesaid that they or any
of them, or that any person and persons whatsoever after the said
Freeschoole and Schooles is and are so erected founded and Estab-
lished (or before) may have power to give and grant assigne and
bequeath all or any Manners Lands Tenements Rents Services Por-
cons Annuityes Pensions Inheritances Franchises and Possessions
whatsoever spirituall or temporall to the vallue of Fifteene hundred
pounds Sterling p Annum besides all burthens Reprizalls Repara-
cons to them the said Francis Nicholson and others the Governors
Trustees and Visitors of the said Freeschooles of Maryland and the
Major parte or Survivors of them incorporate for the uses aforesaid
to them and their Successors forever. And further that the said
Francis Nicholson and other the Governors Trustees and Visitors
aforesaid the longest livers and survivors of them by the true sole
and undoubted Visitors and Trustees and Governors of the said
Freeschoole or Schooles in perpetuall Succession forever, to be con-
tinued in the way and manner hereafter specified with full and abso-
lute power liberty & authority for the making and ordaining such
Laws Orders and Rules for the good Government of the said Free-
schoole or Schooles as to them the said Trustees Governors and
Visitors aforesaid and their Successors shall from tyme to tyme
according to their various occasons and Circumstances seem most
fitt & expedient. All which shall be observed by the Master Usher
Tutors and Schollers of the said Schooles under the penaltyes therein
conteyned. Provided notwithstanding that the said Rules Laws and
Orders be noe wayes contrary to your Matys Prerogative Royall nor
to the Laws & Statutes of your Matys Kingdome of England or
Province of Maryland aforesaid or to the Cannons and Constitucons
of the Church of England by Law Established And that they the said
Governors and Visitors and Trustees aforesaid and their Successors
shall forever be Eighteen men and not exceeding the Number of
Twenty in the whole to be Elected & constituted in the way and
manner hereafter specified, of which number they shall nominate and
elect one discreet and fitt person that shall be called Rector of the said
Freeschoole or Schooles, and that from tyme to tyme and at all
tymes coming the said Rector shall exercise the said Office during
one yeare (death and legall disability excepted) and after till some
others of the said Visitors and Governors of the said Schoole and
Schooles shall be duely elected preferred and sworne to the said
Office and that from tyme to tyme and att all tymes coming after
the said Office. And to perpetuate the Succession of the said Rectors
the yeare, the Visitors or Governors of the Said Schoole or Schooles
or the greater part of them or of their Successors should have power
to Elect & nominate another discreet and fitt person from amongst
themselves to be Rector of the said Freeschoole or Schooles, and that
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