C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
longest livers of them that they may be Enabled to take hold and
enjoy and that they may be apt and capable in Law of taking holding
and enjoying all Manners Lands Tenements Rents Services Rectoryes
Porcons Annuityes Pensions with all other Inheritances Franchises
and possessions whatsoever Spirituall or Temporall to the Vallue of
Fif teene hundred pounds sterling a yeare and all other goods Chattells
monyes & personall Estate whatsoever of the guift of any person
whatsoever, that is willing to bestow them for the said use, or any
other Guifts Grants Assignments Legacyes or Appointments of the
same, or any of them, or of any other goods whatsoever with this ex-
press Intencon and trust put in them that the said Francis Nicholson
and other the Trustees aforesaid or the major parte or longest livers
of them shall take and hold the premisses and shall dispose of the same
and of the Rents Revenues and profitts thereof or of any of them,
onely for the defraying the Charges that shall be laid out in Erecting
and fitting the Ediffices of the said intended Free Schoole or Schools
as they or the major part of them shall thinke most Expedient untill
the said Free schoole or Schools shall be actually erected founded
and Established and upon the Trust & Intencon that as soon as the
Free Schoole or Schools shall be actually Erected founded & estab-
lished the said Francis Nicholson and other the Trustees above
named shall from tyme to tyme and at all tymes hereafter Apply all
such Lands Tenements Rents Annuityes Goods Chatties Profitts
Incomes or Advantages whatsoever reall or personall or as much as
shall not be laid out and bestowed upon building the said Freeschoole
or Schooles as aforesaid as hereafter shall be expressed, and that
when the said Free Schoole or Schooles shall be so erected and
Established the said Francis Nicholson and other Trustees above
named or the major parte or the longest liver of them shall apply
and appropriate to the use benefitt and maintainance out of the
Revenues or Incomes to the said Trustees for the use aforesaid
the Sume of One hundred & Twenty pounds sterling p Annum for
the Sallary support and mainteynance of the Said first mentioned
Freeschoole the Masters Usher and Scribe, and the necessary repaires
and improvements of the same as to the said Francis Nicholson and
Trustees aforesaid the major parte or Survivors of them shall seem
expedient from tyme to tyme to ordayne in the premisses and that
for the uses and purposes aforesaid They the said Francis Nicholson
and the Trustees aforesaid the Survivor or Major parte of them
shall & may be Incorporated into a body Politick by the name of the
Rectors Governors Trustees and Visitors of the said Freeschooles
of Maryland with full power to plead and be impleaded, to sue and
be sued, to defend and be defended, to answere and to be answered,
in all and every Cause Complaint and Accon reall personall and
mixt of whatsoever kind and nature it shall be in whatsoever Courts
and places of Judicature belonging to your Matys your heires or Suc-
cessors, or by from or under your Royall Grant or Authority And