Liber LL, 4
Standing by a Marsh Side, thence wth a Line Drawn North East up
the said River for breadth Seventy five perches to a Marked red
Oak thence wth a line drawn South East up the said Dashields
Creek one hundred & forty perches to a Marked white Oak on the
Edge of a bank by the said Creeks Side, then wth a line drawn South
by East one hundred & forty perches to a Marked pine, being a
Corner tree of a parcell of Land Surveyed for Thomas Cox thence
wth a line drawn South west thirty Eight perches to a parcell of Land
formerly Surveyed for William Thomas of the Colony of Virginia,
p. 487
thence with a line drawn West South West one hundred & Seventy
perches to a Marked Oak & from thence wth a right line Drawn to the
first bounder, Containing by Estimation two hundred and fifty Acres
be the same more or less as by the Deed thereof duly executed and
acknowledged reference thereto being had may more fully appear,
But for as much as the said Benjamin Lawrence John Belt and Lucy
his Wife heirs as aforesaid omitted to gett their forementioned deed
from Henry Gibbs Son & heir to Edward Gibbs aforesaid recorded
in time according to the directions of an Act of Assembly of this
province for quieting possessions enrolling Conveyances and secur-
ing purchasers Estates through which Neglect the said Benja Law-
rence John Belt & Lucy his Wife heirs aforesd were advised that their
title of the said Land was precarious to remedy wch the said Benjamin
Lawrence John Belt & Lucy his Wife heires aforesd have peti-
tioned this present Generall Assembly for releif in this behalf, and
for that the truth of the pmisses is Sufficiently made appear and
that the Consid" of the said Sale hath been duly paid, and that the
Petitionrs Case most properly requires an Equitable releif by an Act
to be past in their favour, It is therefore humbly prayed that it may
be Enacted.
And Be it Enacted by his Lordp the Right Honble the Lord
propry by and with the advice and Consent of his Lordps Governeur
and the upper & Lower houses of Assembly & the Authority of the
same, that the said Deed may be recorded & Confirmed, and held to
be as Effectuall in Law to all intents Constructions & purposes
whatsoever as if the same had been duly recorded according to the
directions of the aforesaid Act for quieting possessions Enrolling
Conveyances and Securing purchasers Estates unless Sufficient Cause
be shewn to the Contrary the next Session of Assembly any thing in
the same Act or any other Law, Statute, Usuage or Custom to the
Contrary notwithstanding.
Provided the said deed be recorded and the Alienation money paid
within Six months from the End of this Session of Assembly Sav-
ing to the said Lord Propry his heires & Successors and all bodies
politick and Corporate and all others not mentioned in this Act their
Severall & respective rights.