C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
For the Redress of both partyes for the future the imediate and
speedy Recovery of just Rights and prevention of the like grievances
for the tyme to come It is therefore humbly prayed that it may be
Enacted And be it Enacted by the King & Queens most Excellent
Matys by and with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall
Assembly and the Authority of the same That noe County Court
within this Province shall hold Plea or have Jurisdiccon for the
hearing trying & determining of any Accon or Accons before them
brought either upon Bond Bill Assumpcon recconing or Account
wherein the demand made doth not exceed the Sume of two hundred
pounds of Tobaccoe or twelve shillings sterling (except such accon or
accons that are already comenced or that shall be comenced before
the Publicacon hereof within the severall and respective County
Courts aforesaid) But that in all such cases wherein the demand
made does not exceede the Sume of two hundred pounds of Tobacco
or twelve shillings aforesaid It shall & may be lawfull for any one
Justice of the Peace within the severall and respective Countyes
wherein the persons debtors doth reside to trye heare & determine
the matter of Controversie between the party & partyes debtor and
Creditor as aforesaid and upon applicacon to him made by any Credr
or Credrs of such debtor or debtors as aforesaid and at the tyme of
the Applicacon aforesaid such Justice is also Authorized and Im-
powred and also willed and required to Issue out his Warrant, and to
depute such person for to execute the same as he shall thinke fitt & to
Comand and bring before him the person of such debtor or debtors
and alsoe sumons to issue for such witness or witnesses as either
Plaintiff or Defendant shall have occasion to make use of with
power to Administer Oaths to either Plaintiff or Defendant or to any
of their or either evidences as occasion shall require for the better
clearing of the matter in question before him and upon full hearing
of the allegacons of either party or partyes with what may or can
upon Oath be given in Evidence by any of their or either of their
Evidences to proceed to Judgment as the nature of the case shall
require whose determinacon shall be finall: All which such Justice of
the Peace before whom such matter of Controversie shall be brought
shall doe gratis. And if such party or partyes against whome Judge-
ment shall be given shall refuse or delay to pay such debt as shall be
awarded against him them or any of them as aforesaid Then it
shall and may alsoe be lawfull for such Justice of the Peace to award
Execution against the said party or partyes for the debt aforesaid by
fieri facias directed to the Sheriffe of the said County which said
Sheriffe upon receite of such Precept from such Justice aforesaid
shall imediately thereupon levy the same upon his or their goods and
Chatties as the matter of the writt shall require All which such
Sheriff shall alsoe doe gratis any law usage or Custome to the Con-
trary notwithstanding. This Act to endure for three yeares or
to the End of the next Session of Assembly which shall first happen.