girt and hipt, to be covered with Pine or Cypress Planke and Shingled
with Cypress Shingles with convenient appartments in the upper
Story for one Office, and three small Roomes for Juryes, the Porch
Chamber to be fitted for one other Office, at one End of the said
house a Place of Judicature, in such forme as at the Stadt house now
at St. Maryes is, at the other End a Chimney with a Fire place
therein both belowe and above, and a Staire Case by the Syde of the
said Chimney, the Staires, windowes & doors uniforme or as con-
venient as may be, the lower floor to be laid with brick, and the upper
Floors with Plancke: And to the End there may be no lett or Im-
pediment in the carrying on of soe necessary a Worke either for
Want of Workemen Labourers Provisions or other necessaryes. Be
it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and with the advice and
consent aforesaid that Colonell Charles Hutchins Major Edward
Dorsey and Major Henry Ridgely be and are hereby appointed
Comissrs Trustees and Overseers to treate bargaine and agree with
workemen for the building thereof in such method and manner as
they shall thinke most easy and advantageous to the Inhabitants of
this Province in respect of the Publick Charge and the same worke
to see carryed on and well performed, and for the carrying on
whereof the said Commissrs shall have deposited into their hands by
or before the first day of Aprill next by the Treasurers of this Prov-
ince nominated and appointed for receiving the Impost of four pence
p Gallon upon all Liquors imported the Sume of Fifty pounds ster-
ling and Fifty pounds sterling more to be paid to the said Comissrs
Trustees or Overseers on the first day of October which shall be in the
yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred Ninety and Five as
also the Sume of Fifty thousand pounds of Tobacco to be levyed on
the Publick in the yeare aforesaid by the Assembly (if any) or by
the Governr and Councill or by such other persons as this present
Generall Assembly shall thinke fitt to levy and assess the same, And
if it shall happen that the said severall Sumes of money and Tobaccoe
shall not be sufficient to defray the Charge of the said Worke, the
Remainder shall be paid at the finishing thereof, for which all persons
Interessed or concerned therein shall have the Publick faith.
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
An Act for speedy and Easy Justice for Small debts.
Forasmuch as this present Generall Assembly hath taken into their
serious Consideracon the great damage and Inconveniency accrue-
ing to the good People of this Province for the Recovery of small
debts by a due Course of Law in the severall & respective County
Courts thereof It often happening that such Creditors rather Choose
to Loose their just Rights & Creditts then be putt to the Trouble to
sue for the same, and for that it doth also appeare to be no less a
grievance and burthen to the debtor of such Creditors (persons for
the most part indigent and poore) who being sued frequently pay
three tymes more Cost then the Originall debt doth amount unto.
Acts of 1694,
ch. 30
by 1695,
ch. 16 and